
I’ve come across “no-poo” shampoo which is when you just rinse your hair and occasionally use a bit of baking soda. I’m interested to know anyone’s thoughts who has tried it.

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  • I’ve not used shampoo for over a year and like previous poster just use a bit of conditioner. My hair is naturally very dry and shampoo only strips it further down of natural oils. You can wash your hair with baking soda and rinse it with vinegar, but personally I don’t think it’s needed. Alternatively you can wash your hair with soap nuts too.

  • When I started growing my hair long it was continually getting tangled and all the time spent brushing was rather frustrating and not to mention the knots! So after a bit of research I decided to stop using shampoo. After a few weeks of only using conditioner and ocasionally rubbing coconut oil and then rinsing i found my hair was going really oily. I kept at it and after about a month of not using shampoo my hair started becoming smoother and eventually not oily anymore. I have been not using shampoo for about 6 months now and the amount of time spent washing my hair and maintenance time is so much less and heaps easier to look after. I really would recommend trying it!

  • If the method in your question does not work; you could try some natural products at your health food store.

  • Never heard of no poo shampoo lol my hair is super gross. Nothing I’ve tried has worked. I just cherish the feeling of clean hair for the day or so that i have it before needing to wash again :(

  • I found that the vinegar in it made my scalp sting. When I the word soda it reminds me of salt which stings sometimes too..
    I have heard of people using raw egg in their hair too.

  • I haven’t tried that brand but I’ve tried baking soda. It is harder to wash I felt with baking soda it didn’t quite work all over my hair. But it does help to remove the oil and you won’t be spending so much at the grocery store. A hippie friend of mine just kept brushing her hair every day and the oil in her hair naturally helped keep her hair looking healthy and shiny. I wouldn’t personally do that because I have really oily hair but yeah try just the bi carb and water. You could even try putting a bit of scent into it like a drop of lavender to add a fresh scent to your hair. Definitely look into it!

  • I have a friend doing this and her hair is very oily

  • I buy from the hairdressers.

  • Never tried this method maybe something organic would be better, I always love the fragrance when hair is freshly washed.

  • I’ve never tried no-poo shampoo, but I have tried to make my own hairspray using a recipe I found on the internet. I tried it only once. I looked like a sticky drowned rat, so that was the end of that plan.

  • I have used beer soap as a shampoo and apple cider vinegar as a conditioner in the past. It works very well and eliminates loads of harsh chemicals that are found in main stream products.

  • I like my shampoo and conditioner and have not tried this method. Washing hair and having lovely smelling hair is a little bit of luxury.

  • I like certain shampoos that are gentle for my scalp and works for me and that even includes baby shampoo. There are also new organic shampoos that are not expensive at all so maybe take a browse at Chemist Warehouse or Priceline to look at the ranges and ingredients . I just think baking soda and vinegar is really suitable for cooking , not gamed to wash hair with it .

  • I tried it with my sons, but I felt their hair was stiff and just didn’t feel right. We use natures organics shampoo which seems to be great and only need to use it a couple of times a week.

  • One of the commentators on TV was an advocate for this – but his hair did look a little greasy.

  • Hubby has a number 2 buzz saw cut, and uses the same body wash or normal soap pending what is in the shower. Occasional 2-3 times per year, dry scalp issues, but otherwise, no proven problems to make him use a dedicated shampoo.

    The money saved is not mega, but it is a saving. Never tried just using water, only, or baking soda, but maybe the soda will get a shot once we read more replies and see the results.

    Mind you, there are many good home made shampoo reciepes online, if you really want a natural blend and save a few dollars too.

  • No l haven’t tried it,l like my store bought shampoo as it works!

  • I haven’t tried it but i use QV shampoo and conditioner as i don’t like the chemical ridden store bought ones :)

  • I have a friend who switched to baking soda and apple cider vinegar. She found that it took a while for her hair to get used to it but I can tell you that her looks amazing and so shiny now.

  • i haven’t done that before but i have heard of this method.

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