
We have been battling head lice to no avail. Some one suggested using Coke (the drink). I want to know if anyone has tried it and if it worked

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  • I haven’t tried it but it sounds like an easy way to get rid of head lice.

  • I’ve never heard of using Coke to treat head lice. It’s interesting to read that a couple of mums have tried it and it works. I’ll have to write this one down for the future

  • Ive tried the chem fre stuff from heb, and rid from the store as well, those didnt work. just did apple cider mixed with water and shampoo, then i had her sleep with coke in her hair. it seems to have worked. went through her hair for like an hour didnt find anything this morning. im going to go get tea tree oil and put it in their normal shampoo along with a little bit of apple cider vinegar. the nurse at the school thinks they are super lice…..yay… anyway, best of luck to you

  • I’ve tried the coke remedy twice on my daughter and I, it worked for both us. As soon as I poured the coke on her hair, I seen the live adult lice fall out, same with my hair. When the coke dried, more fell out while I was rinsing her hair and my hair. After I got done, I made sure I combed her hair and mine also just to make sure nothing was missed.

  • If u want to get raid of lice and the nits all at once get manasase and coke mix them together like a paste and then let it set for 3 hrs and raise it out then us conditioner and downy softer and let it set 30 mins and then run the nit comb through it and they want be anything in ur hair I done it to my kids and they don’t have lice or nits it really worked good I will do this every time….

  • I haven’t tried it personally but I cant really see how it would work. I have heard that making a strong tea from kaffir lime rind and mixing it with a little coconut oil and using it as a post wash rinse or as a spray for before school each day can help. Lice are the pits.

  • How do you use the coke plz

  • Wow. I didnt even know that was an option! how interesting!

  • Sometimes lice can be perpetuated if you miss just one egg, and some of those little buggers are SO hard to find! Try one of the commercial brands and stick to the length of time suggested to treat them. Also, use a preventer like conditioner to smother the lice. I am a lice freak and condition my kids hair frequently to smother and spray in a preventer mix of tea tree oil and lavender oil mixed in water for school days. I also comb and inspect every second day as we had a really hard time getting rid of them in kindy. My daughter has very long hair so the school rule is that her hair is always plaited. I also ask one of my girlfriends to check MY hair as my husband is hopeless and would look at my hair from metres away and tell me it was fine!! Good luck, they are horrible little creatures!

  • I have heard of Coke being used for a number of weird applications so why not treat head lice with it!

  • No. Tried A LOT of other products though! I have just seen a Facebook page for Po-Lice head bands that help prevent lice – worth a try! They also have treatments. I found Hedrin was the best thing for my daughter with very thick dark hair (oh what a nightmare that was!)

  • Although not personally tried. I really can’t see it working. There’s no active ingredient, such as Tea tree oil in coke which would kill lice. You may drown the odd one but a shower would do that also. Although it wouldn’t harm your child (unless they drank it!) but nor would it harm the Lice. Coke has a million and one uses but eradicating Lice isn’t one.

  • I have personally never used it… Would it hurt the child and dose it work.thanks Samantha

  • it would be worth a try!

  • So we tried it for us it was a bust. Only tried it on the one kid but she had ALOT of nuts and eggs. We are just going to keep combing and conditioning, combing and conditioning

  • nope! sounds sticky and messy. We use straight tea tree oil it starts to kill them in less than 5 minutes and then we shampoo. condition then nit comb and they’re done. Also use 50/50 tea tree and eucalyptus spray each morning to keep them away.

  • I’ve heard of this as well but haven’t found anyone that has tried it. Would be interested to hear the results.

  • Cover your child’s head in thick conditioner overnight with shower cap on to smother them. Do this every 3 days to kill any further hatchings from the eggs. My daughter when in prep and year 1 had them constantly but I found she was hugging everyone, I know it sounds harsh but I stopped her hugging her friends and everyone she met at school and the head lice stopped. Teach your children a different way of greeting their friends like Hi Five or a hand shake.

  • I saw this online just recently. Apparently you’re supposed to wash your hair normally, then pour over the coke to saturate hair root to tip and let dry. Later you wash it out then condition it like normal (repeat with coke if there are any left first).
    Personally, I’ve never tried it (no headlice outbreak here thankfully). In the past, we’ve had some stubborn outbreaks that seem to become resistant to a particular commercial brand, so I swap to another – and vice versa when we swapped schools. I have used baby oil combed through their hair because head lice love clean hair to hold on to and the oil makes it too slippery. Friends have used vegetable oil combed through too.
    Another big thing you probably already know is to wash EVERYTHING that the head lice come in contact with – hair brushes, hats, pillowcases, cuddle toys, etc – to get rid of all the stray eggs and nits, and keep checking every few days for early signs they are back.

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