
my period is late again this month.
7 days to be exact.
which I know is probably nothing since it was late last month as well. even though i’m not on contraception we haven’t had unprotected sex.
But I still find myself hoping or maybe wishing that I am pregnant. Which is stupid because the medication I am on causes severe birth defects.

how do I deal with feeling this way?

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  • You mentioned meds, maybe it’s the meds your on causing abnormalities.

  • Must be a natural instinct thing, I’ve felt the same way before, even since having my tubes done and knowing I do not want another child as I have 3.

  • My husband’s had a vasectomy and even though I know we made the right decision getting it done I still hope every single month that its failed. Even though I really don’t want another baby. Biological urges are stronger than any of us.

  • You should talk to your doctor. If you really want children perhaps discuss going on different medication.

  • Sounds like you actually want to have children. If so, you need to discuss this want with your partner. If you both are on the same page, then you should work towards that. I’m not sure what medication you are on, but you would need to see if it can be stopped or if there is an alternative so that you can do everything you possibly can to have a healthy pregnancy and child. Don’t tempt fate. Prepare yourself (diet, folate etc) and your relationship. Make sure it’s something you both want first.

  • I would seek medical advice. It could be a thyroid problem as happened to a work colleague of mine.

  • The best advice in situations like this is your GP.

  • If you are concerned or wanting to get pregnant, you should probably speak to your GP.

  • Might be a good idea to have a chat with someone about how you are feeling? A GP may be able to talk you through it, including the meds.

  • I would take a pregnancy test if you feel there is a possibility that you may be pregnant. The other comments posted pretty much sums up the other reasons why you could be late. Our body beats to it’s own drum and it’s annoying when it doesn’t stay on track but that’s nature for you.

  • some times worry or stress can cause periods to be lat,see Dr about your medication and if it can be reviewed as seems to me you would like a child but are afraid of the side effects of medication you are on, or better still see a gynocoligist.. Again feel you would like a baby all the best hope this helpd

  • I don’t know your age. Any chance that you are getting close to menopause? Because at that time periods become less regular.
    Have you checked that this late period can’t be a side effect of the medications you are on?

  • There is nothing wrong with wishing you were pregnant to have another child to add to your family. I wonder if your body could be setteling into a new cycle. But if it keeps happening i would suggest go see a doctor to see if the medication is causing a different cycle or something else.. I would also ask the doctor if this could be making more hormonal than normal.. (wishing you were pregnant etc.) I wish i had a soultion for your cluckness But we are all like that sometimes.. Goodluck..

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