
My 15 month old had been putting herself to sleep from 6 months. She would still wake at least once a night and still does. About 4 months ago she stopped putting hersel to sleep, if I left her in her cot sh would bang her head and scream. Cry it out does not work for her, it makes things worse. The only way to get her to sleep is to lay her in my bed then transfer her to the cot. This is not a huge problem for me but she now wakes and will not settle herself unless she is with me. I really would love some advice, she is teething and has one molar through and another three on the way.

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  • There’s your answer; she’s teething, which is so painful, and seems all the more painful in the dark, without daytime distractions. I suggest using a numbing gel on the areas where the teeth are coming, before bedtime, and again if she wakes screaming. This is just a passing issue; once the teeth are through, your child will return to her previous level of peacefulness.
    I don’t believe in letting a usually settled child “cry it out”. They cry for a reason, and when we ignore that, it seems to me we are saying, “Too bad. I don’t care about how you feel right now”. This is part of parenthood; going through the downs as well as the ups. Just help her with the pain, so you can both get back to sleep quickly.

  • My daughter loved her cot but when it was taken away all she wants now is to sleep with me-same situation but twice the age. It’s a very slow process and keeps me up a lot at night but I try to sleep in her single bed with her then move when she falls asleep, it doesn’t take long for her to sense that I’m not there and raaaah she’s by my side in my bed again. Sorry I’m not much help but I know what you’re going thru.
    I’m going to keep trying to get her to sleep in her own bed…:-/
    Good luck

  • Try picking her up and telling her it’s bed time, give her her comforter and calmly put her back down in her cot. It takes time!

  • there are some good comments here

  • Try reading or singing her to sleep, if teething everything go backwards for awhile, just be patient, it will come good again.

  • I’ve got all this to look forward to. Lol. Love to keep hearing How she goes.

  • Thank you everyone, I will be trying some of these. I have tried putting her back in a sleeping bag and that seems to have extended the amount of time she is in the cot. I will be adding all your ideas as I go to figure out what works for her.

  • Yes they do test us the little sweeties. My 5 year old still wakes most nights once, although with a quick cuddle or put his teddy back he goes straight back to sleep. I would try and keep her in her cot even if you sit there until she goes back to sleep (that way she will realize that she isn’t going to get into bed with you) but still feel safe with you near by. Goodluck every child is different.

  • it is so hard – my daughter sleeps in her bed for one night and the next night she refuses to sleep in her room. do some research and try and find what works. Nothing seems to work for my daughter as I’ve tried everything but maybe you might find something that works. The main thing I have found with my daughter is if you create a routine she will go to bed (that doesn’t always mean she stays in there though) – but I have been told routine works best.

  • My son was exactly the same and while I dont have a solution for you. he now at 2 years old will happily go off to bed on his own

  • It could be just the teething and she needs the comfort of knowing your there, see how she goes after she has cut her teeth

  • I have heard so many similar situations with other mum friends… Maybe it is a transition? She is starting to know more now so she recognizes what she wants…which is you by her side :)

  • Try rolling up a towel with something that smells like you next to her when you place her in the cot when you put her back in. Babies just love their mummies and daddies when they are grumpy and teething :( Maybe even try putting the cot in your room next to the bed if the towel doesn’t work?
    Also recommend amber teething necklaces/braceletes to ease the pain.

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