
I’m struggling really badly at the moment with postpartum hair loss. I was extremely sick my whole pregnancy with Hypermesis gravidarum- so to go from that for nine months to extreme acne, hair loss and night sweats I’m struggling. What can I do to help with the hair loss!

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  • Did you talk to your gp and do some blood tests?

  • I had the same from morning sickness to hair loss but I just dealt with it, my hair just grew back eventually

  • Hey there,

    I also struggled with this. My go to was taking the JS health vitamins “hair and energy” tablets. You can get them online. Also recommend either getting a fringe cut or layering around the front. This helped with the balding bits and also the strangely bits that have grown back. Good luck mumma xx

  • I’ve been taking my party pill cup every day and have elivit, vitamin D, hair&nail vitamin, zinc and magnesium. I haven’t had any hair loss so far ????

  • You don’t say how long post partym you are, but in my experience, a lot of weird post partum stuff clears up around the six month mark.

  • Have a talk to your Dr. Make sure you have a good nutritional diet, take a supplement to increase your immune system and reduce stress. Let your hair dry naturally, brush/comb gently and don’t pull hair back severely. Enjoy bub and try to relax.
    Wishing you all the very best.

  • I can’t really offer much advice here.
    I lost a lot of hair after having each of my kids, especially with my first and last.

  • I always believed that during pregnancy there isn’t much hair loss, so the hair loss after the birth appears to be more when it is actually all of the hair that would have been lost normally.

  • If you’re not already taking them, then please take a Multivitamin tablet and a Zinc tablet daily. A hair specialist once told me to gentle massage your scalp and tug your hair. It apparently stimulates blood flow to the scalp and encourages growth.

  • I have been using Plantur 39 shampoo and tonic for over two years and it really works. You don’t need to use the shampoo everyday just wash as normal but I use the tonic everyday when doing my hair. Also the conditioner is very watery so I just use my normal conditioner. It will take a few to several months to see the difference. I can’t speak highly enough about this stuff, even my hair dresser was blown away.

  • So many good suggestions here. I suffered after both of mine and eventually grew back to normal within the first year.

  • I think it’s just about making sure you have a good diet and taking vitamins to help. Jshealth have some for hair.

  • Think you have had some excellent replies here. Mine just stayed very, very fine but at least I still have some.

  • I lost all my hair after my first baby it was a traumatic birth .
    My hair never grew back my daughter is now 32 .
    So reading the comments to see if this happened to any one else ?
    Hopefully yours is just temporary and will grow back .

  • I take hair and energy tablets by JS Health. They have helped my hair a lot.

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