
He only has a few words, I talk to him as much as I can and read also, he can count a bit when going up the stairs so I feel he is capable of saying much more then he does

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  • Talk to your son all the time, which im sure you do. Read, sing, explain what you are doing, he will get there. Singing in front of a mirror can help too. You’re doing a great job.

  • Sounds like you are doing everything right and I’m sure he’ll be chatting away in no time

  • When putting away shopping I used to involve my daughter with putting shopping away. Example I would say banana can you say banana. Then ask her to put it in the fruit bowl. Don’t worry if your son doesn’t repeat the word. Move onto another fruit like apple and so on. You can add to that by saying “do you like bananas”. But I really wouldn’t worry at this stage.

  • Am fully in the same boat. My son doesn’t talk but understands everything. I am trying not to be anxious about it and listen to the advice I have been given which is everyone is different, and he will talk when he is ready.

  • Perhaps he just one of those children who aren’t a talker. My 4 year old son was like that and now he’s so verbal. When he started kindy he hardly spoke but as he grew more confident and familiar with the teachers and other kids he came out of his shell. I wouldn’t worry too much, each child is different.

  • My son was the same at this age his now three. Then out of the blue he started coming out with the most random things. I found that doing the word repeat games and flashcards didn’t really help much in getting him to speak.
    For us it was more engaging In daily conversations even when most of the time he wouldn’t reply with much. Asking how his day was, was a big one. Obviously not going going to give am elaborate explanation but you’d be surprised to what they will come out with. Also a great way to help them exercise there memory.

  • He might just be taking his time to speak more even though his speech may be quite fine.

  • Does your little one see his friendsmuch or attend daycare? We found our kiddo spoke a lot more once she was socialising with friends around her age or a tad older, as they pick up things their friends are saying.

  • My daughter is same-little lazy and no keen on repeating words.but I niticed she is picking up more from songs than books.talk to your gp or nurse if you are concern .

  • When my son was 2,5yrs old he spoke 5 words. I wasn’t really concerned and time has shown there was no reason to be concerned. They’ll talk when they’re ready and most of all when they realise they get heard and understood better when they talk

  • Ultimately kids talk when they are ready. My 18 month old has a couple of words and that’s it. My 3.5 year old didnt really start talking until well after he turned 2, closer to 3, and he talks beautifully now. If you are worried that the is a problem take him to child health or your GP. Talk to your son all the time, which im sure you do. Read, sing, explain what you are doing, he will get there. You’re doing a great job.

  • definitely lots of singing, open ended questions, naming things, naming games like with items around the house, allowing ample time for child to answer before continuing to talk yourself or answer for them. books, books, and books. following child’s interests also as they may actually verbalise more when they are interested in something.

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