
Wondering if other pregnant women had active babies in womb.

My baby has been very active from very early on and at my 36 week appointment the midwife commented on how much baby was moving as if it was not common. She seemed surprised.

So how active was your baby? Did it move constantly day and night with very little pauses? Was it just as active when it came out?

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  • My son was very active and constantly kicking me. My girls weren’t as active as he was

  • My baby moved quite a lot.

  • All my babies have been hyperactive and strong. A sonographer was doing our 20 week scan was kicked for pushing hard down on my tummy was genuinely surprised and shocked at how strong our little girl was!

  • Update from OP: Bub arrived early. She could not wait to come out! She is still quite active, but as the days pass she has quietened down a bit. Still twitches in her sleep and I recognise some movements from when she was in utero.

  • Both my sister-in-law’s bubs move about a lot. In Summer when she wore light coloured thinner clothing during the last 6 weeks or so, others could see the movement too.

  • my baby was very active – he also slept tho. His patterns are similar now with the times he was awake and active to now

  • My baby seems to be especially active when I try to go to sleep.
    I don’t think there is a particular ‘norm’, all three of my pregnancies have been different. And apparently its common, the more pregnancies you have, to feel the baby sooner. All that ended up doing was stress me out, as then I kept thinking something was wrong as time progressed and I still had not felt my baby moving.

  • All four of my hubs were doing gymnastics in utero. They were very active and it’s a good sign. It’s when there is reduced movement that you should get checked out just to be sure everything is ok.

  • Also, your GP should be able to advise you of a wiggling bub being ok.

  • It certainly varies from child to child. I’ve had 3 and they were all different.
    I don’t think the level of activity in utero indicates how active they are once born.
    The position of the baby, placenta and ‘roominess’ all impact how much movement you will feel and the baby does.
    Don’t worry about the midwifes surprise. I’m not sure why they aren’t more subtle in their comments… Don’t they know that mums to be with raging hormones are likely to stress about everything! ????????
    You are blessed with an active baby… Nothing more comforting to feel. Enjoy it!

  • Wiggly little worms and no problems with birth or later on. Some bubs and kids are just little wigglers!

  • This is my third baby and he’s quite active but my placenta is at the front so I can’t feel it as much

  • My baby girl (now 9 weeks and 4 days old) was my little wigglet in Utero and nothing has changed. She had lots of Amniotic fluid around her so she had room to move. Hopefully the wiggling is a good thing once your bub arrives.

  • For me none of my kids were that active till very late in the pregnancy, my hubby could work out why i got so excited every time they moved.. For me it was a sign of healthiness when they moved.

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