
I’d love some ideas about how to encourage him to wear his glasses when he gets them – anything that has worked well for your children to help with the transition. He will need to wear them all the time.

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  • You can buy little figures/ charms to go on the arms of glasses – things like superheroes. That might rock his boat.

  • Depends a lot on the age and type of child. My daughter doesn’t have glasses but a hearing aid and it took literally years for her to get used and get willing to wear it, she has Down syndrome though, so may take longer. Honestly she chucked it off all the time and broke many of them. She started using it when she was 1yr old. She’s 6yr old now and just this week she broke another one ! She sees an eye specialist as well and should probably have glasses but with her behaviours they have given it time so far.

  • Find him a role model that wears them. If he takes to this person and thinks they are cool, he’ll want to wear his glasses to be like them.

  • I don’t think you can. If he gets it in his head not to wear them, then that’s usually it. My son had correction glasses, he would go to school and tell the teacher he left his glasses at home, he would tell me he left them at school when I asked. All the time they were in the bottom of his school bag. He just wouldn’t wear them

  • Hi my son got his last year and he also has to wear them all the time. In the beginning he wasn’t too keen on wearing them, then sometimes forget to wear them ect etc. Honestly I was just persistent but in a really positive way. He absolutely got used to wearing them and they are a part of him now. It only took a few weeks the most. Be patient, persistent and make it fun! Best of luck with your boy.

  • An update on this…my son is now 5 and has been wearing his glasses for more than a year. Lots of your suggestions really helped thanks, as did being able to choose his own frames – he started with Spiderman and Buzz Lightyear and now has Minions and Star Wars 🙂

  • Is there someone he looks up to? If so get them to wear some glasses to show his “cool it is” otherwise show him famous people like Harry Potter 🙂

  • Yes Harry Potter and he will get used to glasses!

  • Besides prescription glasses when needed your children from toddler age need to learn to wear sunglasses to keep the glare/strong sunlight out of their eyes. I was told by an opthalmologist a few years ago that I had scarring on my eyes from the sun. Give them plenty of praise in encouraging them to keep them on. One of ours at about 2 y.o. started taking his Dad’s and putting them on. The first couple of times he actually put them on upside down. We told him he looked cool in them and gradually he got the hang of putting them on properly. Our other one has to wear glasses all the time but she doesn’t wear them for sport. If she gets bumped or falls over of her own accord the lens could break and go in her eyes or cut her elsewhere. I’m not sure whether she wears then during breaks because of going on playground equipment. I know they have been left at school a few times, resulting in a few discussions and no reading books before bed. It is not unusual to have to remind her to put them on in the morning and them have to be searched for. She is not a toddler -she is in year 2 at school. If your son definitely has to wear them all the time you need to explain the situation and ask about hardened lenses. It may depend what sports he plays whether or not it is a viable option. If he has to wear them all the time it will help if he gets into a routine of putting them on as soon as he gets up and takes them off at bedtime. You may wish to try rewards in the early stages, but not to the extent that he will expect one indefinitely.

  • My Son forgot all about the fact he had his glasses on when he started school, I just told him he was a trend setter as not many other kids had them on at that time, but over the year a few more kids started to wear them as well. While they are younger not many other kids noticed at all other to tell him how cool he looked in them.

  • Point out the reasons why they have been prescribed for him & even 4 year olds can take that in & he will realise they do help him.

  • Thanks, this is my question and he’s just turned 4. His glasses are ready and we pick them up on Monday so this advice is really helpful thanks. I’m interested to know how they go at school with sport etc too?

  • wear glasses yourself and get other members of the family to do so, make it Cool and Normal. its tough but they do love to copy mummy or daddy.

  • A friend of mine told her son he can just be like Harry Potter that helped a lot.

  • i hope that these tips are helpful to you! he will get used to glasses!

  • Definitely some wonderful suggestions so far! Getting use to them is the hardest part

  • How old is your son? my son was 4 when he got his first set of glasses. We purchased a little strap which slips onto the Plastic bit that sits behind the ears. We started getting him to wear them while wtching tv and left them on him as long as possible. It took him about a month for him to get use to wearing them and be happy to leave them on all day. Its just a matter of putting them on him during a calm time of the day and keep putting them back on again when he is calm. Dont push it if he gets upset just give him a break from using them for a hour or so. I showed my son pictures of Family members wearing glasses and let him choose his own frames. It all helped.

  • Get him to pick them and get a really cool case for him to have too. If he’s involved in the process, he’s more likely to wear them.

  • You have some good suggestions here. Also make sure they are comfortable and not leaving red marks on bridge of nose or too heavy.

  • One of the most important things is for him to choose some cool frames and a case. This really does help! 🙂

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