
Does anyone know how to get paid for blogging – either through ads or simply linking up your paypal? How do you treat this in regards to tax? Anything that i should know? Where do i start? What kind of traffic do i need?

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  • As far as I know you need to have a certain amount of followers before you start making money.

  • You need to be able to write well to make any decent money out of it.

  • I think once you get up and going you can ask for sponsors,mand depending on how successful you are will dictate how many say yes

  • I was always under the impression that anything that is considered a “hobby” can be up to $6000 before you have to class it as a business and pay tax on it, but that may be old information, so maybe check out the ATO website regarding the tax side of things.

  • I have no idea. But I’m now going to check out the links supplied by other MoMs. Thanks for the tips

  • Just great about the link for http://www.writersincharge.com/more-websites-that-pay/ give> Thanks

  • I find blogging awesome! I love reading them! Good luck on your venture

  • i have an established blog and have a lot of subbies. I wanted to run comps to give back to my loyal readers. I write about gaming and stuff that is considered “Geeky” lol. I love my blog and have dedicated so much time to customising it. I am considering paying for elements to make visiting it a better experience. I would love to get “subsidised” for this though as it is fast becoming an expensive hobby. I feel like i have hit a good target range of people and get a lot of likes etc. My readers are loyal and therefore i would love to run comps to say thanks. I am not looking to get rich quick or anything and i am not trying to advertise my blog on this site out of respect to the demographic of people that visit here. If you like gaming, you might find my site anyway ya know!

  • I think you should never start a blog with money in mind. So it because you want to, because it’s something you’re passionate about. If it’s forced then you’ll find it a difficult road and your readers will sense your real intentions. If you write about something you love, it’ll come naturally and you’ll find it a lot easier to get readers and subscribers etc, and then you could sell ad space down the track.

  • I have no experience, but a friend once sent me this link, its a website explaining 45 other websites that pay you to blog, http://www.writersincharge.com/more-websites-that-pay/ give it a go, I just recently signed up to A fine parent, nothing yet, but they notify you what the next topic is and pay you $100 for it.

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