
Just curious as to how everyone lost all their baby weight after birth. I’m looking for some inspiration!

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  • Smaller portions, avoiding junk food, and being really consistent with exercising (walking mostly) for at least half an hour at least five days a week.

  • I didn’t really gain much baby weight so also didn’t have to loose it. I do have kind of a mummy tummy though, what seems to be there forever.

  • I have always fluctuated in weight and it takes a lot of work to lose even the smallest amount of weight. Intermittent fasting worked a little but took a long time.

  • Nearly 4 years later and still working on it. But its just hard work.

  • Mix of a good diet and going to the gym. My first pregnancy took me almost 8 months to go back to my weight, this second one my baby is three month old and I still need to loose 5 kilos. It is so hard!!!

  • My kids are 21 and 25 and I’m still carrying an extra 10kgs. I’m not fat, but would be thrilled if I could lose those extra 10. But maybe I’m just not meant to be as thin as I was at age 23-26

  • Walking and lots of outdoor physical activity.

  • Breastfeeding worked for me, but now my daughter (18months) has stopped I can feel the weight coming back quickly. So its back to exercise for me and no more chocolate!

  • Raw diet of fruit and veg,walk everywhere,lots of situps and i have a Nordic Track Cross Trainer machine at home…best thing ever,works out your entire body in the comfort of your home.Way better to invest in your own machine then pay gym fees.

  • I changed my diet to include fresh food and stopped buying packaged and prossessed food. Physical activity like taking the little one in his pram for a walk also helped. It took me seven months.

  • It took me almost 18 months, portion control, Wii fitness & yoga to lose the extra weight.

  • I have 3 kids and breastfed them all, still breastfeeding my third baby. It helps a lot in losing weight. And of course low carb diet combined with exercise. It took me 3 months to look slim and no mummy tummy.

  • Breast feeding is excellent and Weight Watchers was great fro the first 12 kg’s but it slowly came back on. Walking is the key. Nice day take the pram and walk, walk and walk. I use to to go from one park to another with my morning tea and lunch. I met many Mum’s in the area that way.

  • 12WBT. It honestly works!

  • Breastfeeding, joined a gym with a crèche, Michelle Bridges 12WBT.

  • Breastfeeding lost most of my initial weight and then I started on Lose baby weight shakes and they helps heaps, having a shake for breakfast and lunch and a healthy dinner. The ingredients in the shakes are also safe for breastfeeding mummas.

  • We walked and walked and walked some more! 5ks a day! I also went to a mums and bubs fitness class twice a week which helped immensely with motivation!

  • I exclusively breastfeed and go for walks and I still look pregnant one year later! :-( I think to shift the extra weight and stretched stomach I would need to up the exercise.

  • Following! :) I have a huge 18kg gain during pregnancy, although I look mostly baby to everyone else – I can definitely notice the gain in other areas.. I plan to walk a fair bit – Breast feed & do sessions of ‘Tae Bo’ (which is a martial arts sort of work out routine) at home as I brought the box set.. Wish me luck!

  • With Pilates. Although it wasn’t until I was doing 2 sessions a week that I really started to notice my body changing. Plus plenty of walks with the pram.

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