
We go through phases, 2 weeks she’ll sleep 13 hours a night then we go back to waking every 2 hours if that. Its so exhausting and being a full time working mum I’m struggling really bad when I get to work (I have to do 10 hours a day).

Does anyone have any tips on ways to help her sleep through? She’s currently in a winter sleeping bag, we keep her room warm all night, shes always got a blanket and she has her dummy if she needs it. She has a bottle before bed. I don’t know what else I can do or what it could be.

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  • I never found a solution that helped us. I hope you eventually found one for you.

  • Its normal but can suggest maybe a fav blanket or toy at night time!

  • My niece went through a stage of this with her son. He suddenly started waking up at around the same time every night and being difficult to re-settle. They could almost set the clock. After about 3 weeks they decided maybe there was a problem they hadn’t worked out and took him to the Dr. who did tests but found nothing. He decided his bodyclock was out of rythm. He prescribed drops that they have to give him at a certain time every night. I can’t remember how long it was recommended for. Once he started sleeping all night they weaned him earlier than recommended and he is fine. At about 3 y.o. he went through a stage of what we think was nightmares. Apparently at that age they develop a very vivid imagination. He occasionally wakes up during the night, sits up and looks around then lays down and goes to sleep when I mind him overnight.

  • Unfortunately i can’t help with your specific problem but can suggest maybe a blanket or toy as a sleep routine. My one loves his blanket and if he loses it at night he’ll whinge but as soon as I hand it back to him will settle straight back to sleep.

  • Teach self soothing, these can be done by things like nightlights, a dummy or try cry it out method.

  • She has maybe one nap during the day around lunch time for about an hour if that and then she doesn’t have another sleep till i put her down of a night time.

    She literally doesnt stop during the day. shes always out and about, running round the house, playing, at the park, on a walk. you would think with the amount of exercise she does during the day she’d be totally knackered at night time! i know my mother in law is.

  • We have had various sleeping changes/issues over our 2 years 9 months…. It’s definitely hard. What is happening during the day?? Does she have a day sleep? Are her carers letting her sleep long or until late in the afternoon? Is her night time routine different or varied during these periods?? Good luck and keep us posted.

  • I wish I could help. I have a 2 year old who is currently not sleeping. Two year old molars are on the way.
    Is it possible she is teething?

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