
How do I get my 20 month old son to stop stripping down and taking his nappy off to have a ‘play’ lol.  He wears button up singlets under all clothes but they don’t stop him. I’m pregnant with number two and chasing my naked toddler is getting quite hard…. Help!!!

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  • You could try Back Zipper One-Piece Kids Onesies, you can order them online

  • Thank you! I like the dress up idea!!

  • i think its just somthing they grow out of sorry i cant help! good luck x

  • My friend has the same issue. I’m not sure how she stopped it. Goodluck

  • Feel fir you ,tidied running around isn’t easy .We had same problem ,we just kept decreasing him &asked what he would like eg smurfs t shirt .Also got dress up clothes ,making it fun helps distract him from taking them off .

  • Probably his latest trick. Don’t react too much, he’ll grow out of it, but the more you react the longer it will take. If you notice he is about to strip, without referring to it, try distract him. You’ll laugh about this one day.

  • oh dear haha, most of the time they just grow out of it. I wouldn’t worry unless it was in public :P

  • Yeah it is just at home, he done it last night again during tea so I left him since the dining room is tiled and he pooed .his dad was not impressed, he nearly spewd.

  • Good luck, he should grow out of it. He is currently exploring his body, tell him he can do it at home but not out as its not appropriate, don’t make a big deal out of it, give him plenty to do with his hands/keep him occupied if you can. Its all new and natural.

  • If he’s only doing it at home I wouldn’t worry about it. Let him go. I had that trouble but at daycare. In the end he gave up on it

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