
My daughter has extreme eczema around her mouth & her dummy is doing her no favours, the screaming is so bad I do give in, I feel terrible! She is 21 months old & just doesn’t understand.

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  • Maybe try the dummy fairy and leave a gift behind in replacement ????

  • So hard at that age but I think if eczema is bad I would just bite the bullet and take away cold Turkey.

  • We have started taking the dummy off in the morning (so my son gets the dummy at night and to breakfast) then no dummy, until nap time. Afternoons prove more tricky. Its a long and crazy journey. I have heard of the dummy fairy, that the child gives the dummy to the dummy fairy, and gets a toy instead.

  • We have a reward chart for all these tricky behaviours. A sticker for each time she hands over the dummy perhaps? Another for putting some cream on the dermatitis? Etc

  • Accidentally loose it? We did that with my son and he adjusted really well. All children are different though. Good luck!

  • My niece was a little bit older but the Easter bunny took hers and left a surprise, she asked for the dummy a few times but we just reminded her that the bunny took it 🙂

  • We had a similar problem so I cut the tip off the dummy and that worked. I had already tried the lemon juice method but my one just wanted to hold it all the time. Cutting off the tip and saying it’s broken we put it in the bin and that was that. Never asked for a replacement. I did buy a special teddy as a reward. Under 2-3 it’s hard but after a couple of days they forget and lets hope the eczema dries up around the mouth.

  • Your little one may still be a bit young, I think my grandson was around 3 and his parents got him to give it to Santa. No real issues afterwards. You can also try donating to the Easter bunny or the dummy fairy, whatever suits you

  • Mine only wanted when upset or going to bed and I said it was yukky and they had to throw away and yes they threw it in the bin and that night they asked for it I said you threw in the bin as it was yukky and your a big boy now and don’t need it.

  • I was talking to another mum about this the other day and she said she soaked her daughters Dummy in lemon juice so when she put it in her mouth, it tasted off and she didn’t want it again!
    She was also saying her sister cut her one in half and gave it to her and said it was broken and there wasn’t another one.

  • very hard, when they are a little older it is easier to explain – like going to give it to the rubbish truck, or the dummy fairy etc.

  • Aw that must be hard.
    But you can help your child to let it go.
    It’s up to you to decide when it’s time for your child to stop using a dummy.
    Take a gradual approach. Start by limiting the times your child can use the dummy. Set a date for no more dummy.
    Look into a replacement item and activities; a special cuddly toy, extra hug time and offer much distraction.
    In regards to the eczema, consult your Gp as pain and distress isn’t helping.
    Celebrate and reward your child when they let the dummy go.

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