
My daughter is in Kindy at school this year and all the kids like to have a best friend of the day. My daughter is constantly coming home upset because someone wouldn’t be her best friend that day. I have tried reassuring her and talking to her about it and it did stop for a month but it is now happening daily. It is heartbreaking to see her so upset all the time.

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  • Why do all the kids need a best friend for the day? Who’s instigating this, teacher or kids? I discouraged my kids from having singular best friends as it was tough when their best friend was away from school or moved to a new school. Better to have a handful of good friends

  • That would be very hard. I would remind them that you are their best friend.

  • Oh my gosh, that’s so sad! Hope this doesn’t happen to her again and that it’s all sorted now.

  • Oh your poor little one. I think maybe a chat to the educators so they are aware of the issue. Hope it’s sorted soon

  • Yes, I would have a chat with the teacher too as I think it’s behaviour that shouldn’t be encouraged, in the contrarary a teacher should practice and preach inclusion.

  • Maybe have a word with the teacher for advice. It probably won’t go on for much longer and the kids will naturally move on to other things. Maybe organising some play dates with various children may help. If they know more about each other out of school they may click. I think it’s good to encourage the idea that we are all friends.

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