
Our strawberry patch is growing really well and we’ve had lots of fruit this year, but often there are slugs inside them or holes from where they’ve been. Any natural, kid-safe remedies for this?

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  • I am having the same problems, I have read not to water too much because slug and snails like it moist. I have covered them from birds, but finding little holes in mine, started off really well and getting lots of strawberries but since the weather got hotter more bugs! Try the Yates website.

  • I second the sawdust to get rid of the slugs and snails. If you have bird issues you should put up netting to stop them reaching them when they ripen.

  • no not sure but we had birds come and eat ours lol.

  • This happened to us a while ago when we were experimenting in the garden and someone advised that we should have put a secured net around the patch . I would go to Bunnings and have a browse in the Garden section to see how it is done .

  • mom160421 – you sounds like an experienced strawberry grower – good tips!

  • I would use sawdust around the entire perimeter to stop the snails and slugs. I would also make a fly screen cover to stop other bugs, animals.

  • Isn’t this annoying? I watch my strawberries ripen and think just a little bit longer….only to wake one morning and find its been chewed :/ We have slugs, snails, slaters, birds and a possum trying to get ours. We have pea straw around them at the moment which seems to have stopped the slimed ones. We also have snail and slug pellets, it says on the box safe for wildlife, pets etc and they break down and absorb nutrients into the soil 🙂

  • Maybe try some natural obstructions such as eggshells and pick the fruit as soon as they are ready to eat!

  • This is such an annoying problem! Slaters attack ours. Apparently slugs don’t like crushed agg shells – maybe try this around the area?

  • Good luck with this – do hope you have mulch like pea straw round your strawberries. If you have the ripening strawberry up on top of the mulch it may help a little as slugs and snails don’t like crawling over it.

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