keep track of all expenses and you will see where it all goes and maybe where you could save more. groceries are always a big cost so try to reduce that budget is possible 🙂
Mom 81879 – I am a soon to be family of 6 with my next bub due in a month. I have just finished work last week and after always being on 1.5 incomes I am curious on how people stick to a budget. I have heard that a lot of people put money away for certain things and but sometimes doesn’t go to plan. For example if I put away say $150.00 a month for Electricity and at the end of the quarter it costs $500.00 where do people get that extra $50 when you are budgeting all your money in different categories. Anyways I will do my best to work out a plan and with the help from the mother’s of Mouths of Mums I will be able to sort out a proper budget for my family.
I don’t understand how you can blow your budget? You sound like you are on limited income, if it’s all budgeted out, how do you blow it? The point of a budget is to spend certain amounts on certain things. If you’re blowing it I’m assuming you’re not spending your money on what you should be, so you lost me, sorry
If you enjoy using your phone or tablet, there are heaps of great Apps & keep trying a fee until you find the right 1 for you. I don’t mind Pocketbook but I think the Banks have some budget Apps too. If you prefer the computer & you know excel, there are templates you can find & modify to your liking.
When I’m really trying to save for something I have to stay away from the shops FULLSTOP Even going for milk ends up costing $15! You have to give yourself rewards for keeping to the budget, both small & large – if possible.
Stay away from the advertised ‘we can help you with your budget’ nothing is for free & they have to get paid from your money somehow…..
If you are in trouble, there is help, but you have to ask for it. Most of us aren’t good at that, but when you have kids, you can’t afford not too.
Plan meals, buy in bulk and cook and freeze meals. Allocate separate pots of money for all areas of a budget. Use direct debit for paying bills – regular and small payments can help a budget as you avoid all of the big bills at one time. Do allow some money for play – does not have to be a lot – just a little as some play money helps you stick to a budget.
Buy meats in bulk and freeze in right size needed for cooking eg 500 grams. Try only buying meat when on a good special and buy heaps. Only buy veggies and fruits from a cheap fruit shop, buy the cheap homebrand milk and bread, sugars, margarines, flours, cling wraps, tissues etc and get groceries home delivered so there is no impulse buys unless its a super cheap half price special. some companies do this free once a week just prebook ealy the previous week and you can change the order anytime up till a day or two before its delivered.
Transfer $150 out of your main account every week for bills into a account you only use for direct debits to pay the bills. Phone, car, power, insurances, gas, kids activities, school fees, rates etc.
I also buy clothes for my kids from the specials racks in target & big w up to a few sizes larger than what they are currently in and put aside till it fits them you can save $100s a year doing this. Also regulary check out the websites as they sometimes have better specials.
For presents I google the item i am after you can save heaps doing this you will be suprised i purchased my son a quality scooter and the harvey norman toy website had it over $50 cheaper than others including delivery.
Honestly, very difficultly!
With such a large family it is going to be easiest to buy in bulk & organize payment plans on as many bills as you can. Don’t be bullied into accepting high payment plans, settle on something you know you can afford to pay on a frequent basis.
Draw up your own little budget & include all bills on average.
Include car registration, licence renew, school camps & excursions & put away a little bit so when those bills do come in you already have the money, or at least some of it, aside.
Ask your electricity provider for tips on how to keep your power bills low as well.
Good luck.
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