
Daughter is starting high school next year and we are worried about the nastiness of high school and how it may effect her.

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  • How did her first year of high school go? I hope it was a smooth transition!

  • I was worried as well, hope your daughter has transitioned well! Mine seems to have rolled with it, so far. There have been some nasty moments like the big kids laughing at her while she’s lost and can’t find her class (thankfully someone nicer came along to help and now she knows how to get there!)
    There will always be nastier people mixed in with some good splashes of nice people so we can just hope that they find the nice ones for now and support them if they don’t.

  • Oh God yes, you have every right to be worried. High school is torture for some, girls especially are so nasty

  • Always be able to listen and ensure communication is key.

  • If she is going with friends it should be alright. If she is starting alone, tell her its an amazing time to make new friends. Take her to the orientation day which can help as well.

  • You could visit the high school prior to starting and see if there’s any introduction program. Does she have friends that go to the same school ? Maybe they can hang out some times over the holiday and grow a stronger bond. For my kids friendships in high school are most important, Make sure you’re not talking with concern to your daughter, but with trust and enthusiasm

  • I think its more traumatic for us parents then the kids as they seem to adapt very quickly and yes you do get your bullies and nasties but its another chapter that we have to go through.

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