
Are you in one or away from your partner due to work reasons etc. I am and we use Skype, text and phone when Skype is playing up, send selfies lol. Not sure how to manage until I can visit him or he can come here, waiting until I have enough money for a flight. Would appreciate any tips for coping. Thanks.

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  • I think a lot of people had to get used to long distance relationships during lockdown and it really helps having technology to keep in touch.

  • I think it’s best to have a routine. Check in with your partner at a designated time, catch up, and then go on with other things, whether it’s chores, work, catching up with other friends. Keep busy.

  • First tip, do not send any nude pics! You never know where they will end up! I hope you guys sorted this out. I have a long distance relationship with my grandson and it’s tough. I wish it were different, I’m missing so much

  • My husband and I have spent long periods of time apart over the last 6 years due to both of our work positions. Communication is the key. Text, talk, email and let each other know you are thinking of them. It is difficult and not great for the relationship long term. We have both committed to not spending long periods of time apart to make sure our marriage lasts.

  • With today’s technology you can keep in contact daily, however letters are still quite good for coping. Sending letters means that you wait for the reply letter to come. The wait is shorter than seeing your partner, so it is like mini waits in between until you see them again. With a letter you can personalise it with your handwriting, spray on your perfume (his cologne), etc. I found this worked really well for me, but your partner has to be willing to send a reply letter back!

  • ours didn’t work – I wish you well love x

  • My long distance relationship lasted a year and then i moved in with him coz i couldnt stand to be apart

  • Long distance relationships can be hard, I would say what you are doing with Skype, texting, talking is the way to go, always making sure every day to keep in touch.

  • I’m not too sure, but they do say that distance makes the heart grow fonder.
    Good luck :)

  • I don’t know how anyone can cope with this good luck

  • It must be difficult Face time through iphone and other media technology has made it easier though good luck Im sure its worth it and you are together in spirit

  • originally we tried long distance when i was in WA and him in QLD- It didnt work. 10 months later i moved back to QLD and we tried again. We are married now- he works FIFO so spend 4 weeks away from each other at a time, we just text and call every morning and night.

  • I went through this for 9 months I was in the UK and my husband was here in Adelaide, I was still going through a court case with my ex husband over the children.
    It was very hard as the times are completely opposite uk day is adelaide a night and visa versa but we used Skype as much as we could.
    I think if you love someone that much then you will overcome anything that’s put in your way.
    I really you manage to see your partner soon xx

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