
Please don’t judge me but how do I get my 4 month old to take the bottle? I’ve had trouble breastfeeding since day 1, I’ve been to breastfeeding classes, private consultants, tried shields you name it I’ve done it! She literally pulls chunks off my nipples everytime I feed, I cry hysterically! I’ve tried giving her the bottle but she will take it for one feed then won’t take it for another week? Please any advice would be great 🙂

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  • I see this is an old question. How did you go in the end ?

  • I’m sorry to hear you’re having a difficult time. I had no trouble breast feeding but I had to give them a bottle at certain times of the day because of medication (I’d have to express milk then take my tablet, and not feed for 6 hours after). I could never give my bubs a bottle because they could smell I still had milk – why have a bottle when you could have Mum, they thought. My only solution was to let my husband (and later our older children) feed bub, and often I had to leave the room for them to settle. I found the Avent brand bottles and teats were accepted the best by bub and the Avent manual breast pump was fantastic. I did have to remember to check what flow size the teat was because the older they got, they wanted it faster. If you’re wanting to formula feed, the doctor can prescribe something to dry up your milk supply and bub may settle better for feeds (my sister-in-law did this). A hungry baby will eventually drink, so its a game of patience and perseverance. In another month or two, you’ll be able to start thinking of solids and bub might be more willing to try breast milk mixed with farex or mashed veges, or even try a sippy cup. Best of luck.

  • Try other people giving it to her when bubs can’t see you, keep trying and try different bottle i found my bubba really liked closer to nature bottles as the teat is wide and somewhat similar to a breast

  • My second daughter screamed her guts out at even feeling the teat of bottle. Tired, scared of that cry mums then quickly go back to breast!
    Preserver. Hungry baby will take the bottle. Hold near the breast. Run the milk out of bottle on their lips. Keep trying, that’s it!! Keep trying againg

  • My son didn’t take well to the bottle but I eventually found a teat that he would take. Keep trying different bottles etc, I’m sure you will find something soon.

  • try to make sure that the bottle has the right teat for bub. my friend and i went on a crazy shopping spree in efforts to get her baby on. she was going back to work and expressing her milk but her bub hated the bottle. we bought many brands of teats and bottles and found that the avent brand worked for her. also try to put a little breastmilk on the teat when you first try to give it to the baby and to encourage her onto it.

  • No judgement from me! Baby will accept bottle easier if you are not giving it to him. He can smell you lactating so will fuss about, the more he fusses the more you produce. You can express your milk or if you want to feed with formula, doctor can prescribe you tablets that will stop the lactating., It is awful being some engorged. You will get some relief under a hot shower.

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