
We have a very active 8 month old baby who loves crawling, standing, and climbing and she is bound and determined to try to get to our dog’s food/water bowls so I feel like I spend half my day redirecting her away from them. Our terrace home has an open concept living/kitchen/dining area without much free space, and our bathroom and laundry areas are small as well and have no extra space for bowls. I contemplated hiding them inside a container, but I also want our fur baby to always have access to fresh water and having them on a stand would still be a risk since my daughter would climb it. The bowls are also quite large since our fur baby is 55 kilograms. The garage/outside are also out since our dog is indoors with us, and I don’t want to attract any bugs or rodents. Any clever ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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  • I think move them outdoors for a while. It makes your life easier x

  • I think you may have to put them outside – just for a few months, till your daughter is past this particular phase.

  • You can get food and water bowls that only release food when the dog activates them. They are a bit pricey, they may be a deterrent tho

  • You could use either a play pen for the dogs or the baby or even section off an area for the bowls and train the dogs to go there

  • Our almost 1 year old is obsessed with our dog and most recently her water bowl. We don’t leave her food bowl on the ground as she is fed outside but we always have water out. We tell our daughter no but end up with water everywhere anyway. We tend to not enforce the rule that she can’t play with it as it is just water. Repetition is key though I believe and eventually I am sure she will move on from the water play

  • Keep it in the backyard wen the baby is out

  • I try to put them away when the dogs not using them. I keep the food outside and put the water on the table when the dogs not around.

  • I have the same problem with bub and the cat bowl. I’ve put the baby playpen around them attached to the wall and left a small space for the cat to walk through.

  • Have you tried the anti splash bet bowls?

  • You may need to get creative making a gate, even if temporary. We built a gate using drawers in an open area to stop my toddler getting into the kitchen when he tried to play with the stove.

  • Lol my 8yr old has Down Syndrome and I don’t know how often she drank out of the dog’s bowl when we were at my friends house. I ended up emptying the dog bowl when we arrived

  • This is such a hard one. Our dog was always outside but that doesn’t help you at all unless you can leave the dog outside for a break sometimes. Goodluck. I think it is just a matter of distracting when you can.

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