
My 4 year old recently discovered how to roll back his foreskin. Since then, every time he’s showering or getting changed he stretches it right back and makes a point of showing whoever is around. I guess he’s always played with himself a little bit as boys tend to do, but it has increased since he found out what he can do with his foreskin. I have asked him not to do it unless he’s washing it in the shower, but he hasn’t listened. It is actually quite embarrassing, he did it in front of my sister and I got a phone call from a babysitter saying that something had happened to his willy (after a brief panic I had to give an anatomy lesson).

Has anyone else had this issue with their sons? Will he grow out of it? Any ideas on how to stop him doing it?

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  • I would just go with repetition, reminding him that what he is doing is private and should be done in private areas such as his bedroom or bathroom. Hope this helps

  • I think it is ok. It is actually good for him to learn how to clean it if in the shower. Otherwise you can tell him it is ok to touch/ play with himself, as long as it is when he is on his own lying in bed or by himself in his room or something and it’s not something you do in front of other people. Keep reinforcing it, if he does it in front others just take him aside and ask him if he would like some alone time, as it’s not something you do with others around. It’s normal, it’s important for him not to feel ashamed of his body, but to understand the boundaries and privacy.

  • Don’t stress about. Explain it’s private and show which place it’s appropriate. Repeat in a neutral way, take him by the hand and lead him to the appropriate place, close door

  • Oh gosh, I guess this is something I have to look forward to experiencing at some point. Thanks for the tips the moms.

  • I used to just say it is private – ok, but private

  • Yes not to stress at all about it, they do grow out of it!

  • They do grow out of it. My son is 4 and has a fascination with his penis (again).

  • Lol, glad you realise playing with himself is a ‘boy thing.’ Pretty sure he’ll grow out of it

  • We have a rule with my son it only to be once when you are in the privacy of the shower and give it a clean while you are doing it. We also make a point of turning around sso we are not looking at him when he does it. My son only does it in the shower now as he now knows its a personal thing that only he should do and noone should be looking while he does it.

  • Continue to point out the appropriate places to wash and clean is in the bathroom and no where else. invest in some age appropriate books on the issue – there are plenty of good ones at bookshops and libraries. Maybe get a GP check in case there is some irritation? This behaviour should change with age and growing up. If concerned though seek support and advice from your GP.

  • Using the situation as a teaching tool to clean is a great idea from the previous comment. I’ve always thought it was pretty normal for boys to play with themselves. My one year old has just discovered his belly button and penis, he is so proud. No actual experience but I’m hoping to teach him about appropriate contexts. That is a private part of our bodies and ok in the privte of home but not to the rest of the world.or random. Good luck, it’s funny but embarrassing.

  • It’s natural for little boys and girls to explore their bodies. At the momment he probably just thinks its a cool trick he can do with his willy. I have a 4 year old son and he often puts his hands down his pants. Use it to your advantage. Explain to him that its a good way of cleaning it in the bath/shower so it doesnt get infected. But if he wants to play with it outside of the bathroom then remind him that he is allowed to explore his body but only in the privacy of his own home. Good luck 🙂

  • lol i have a son but am not at this stage yet. Def try to distract him but ya know, boys will be boys lol. He will probably get over it soon.

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