
Looking for ideas and suggestions in how to store the kids school photos, what do other mums do?
It’s just seems a waste letting them pile up in cardboard folders on a shelf. Need some inspiration!

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  • We never did school photo’s as such, but make a photo ourselves each year of the kids in uniform. The plan is to make an online photo book for each child but it hasn’t come from it yet

  • Mmm, mine are still sitting in their cardboard folders in a drawer in my bedroom. I got copies of my grandsons for Christmas…..on a memory stick!

  • I don’t know the answer but I would like too as well! At the moment I just have them sitting in the cardboard covers they came in and then put in shoe boxes. This would be a great question to ask at a photography or camera store.

  • Mine are all in a large envelope.

  • They are in a box in my son’s room. Some passport photos have been used especially for some applications for sport ID’s etc in the past , but otherwise I find it nice and tidy just to have it in the package they gave us in . It would be nice to store in an album , but then you have to break them all apart. Not sure what to do really ..

  • Make a photo book on snapfish.com.au ‘school years’

  • I have all mine still in their original cardboard covers, sitting in the plastic envelopes they came home in, sitting in my tallboy drawer. Apart from ones I sent to rellys

  • Do copies of the photos.
    Put the originals away & make a collage for your wall with the copies.
    The collages look great & you still have your perfect originals for when your children are older.

  • We have a big Scrap book for each child

  • I have a book for each year and I put a sample of their work and any other special memories in there.

  • I have a few on the wall, but I find putting them in a nice scrapbook with other certificates and sport photos is a good thing. I can also put notes on different things that they have done at school.

  • Thank you ladies – while I have nothing to add, I’ve just picked up a couple of good ideas.

  • Would love some ideas on this one also, once we have given the individual photos to the grandparents the rest seem to stay in their folders and I have them all in a filing box. They are safe but certainly not displayed.

  • i have a container. display them in frames or on the fridge or scrap book

  • Scan the photo – that way you have a digital copy in case the original goes missing or gets damaged.
    – Make a collage with the photos and any artwork that has been created that year, and put it up on display.
    – Buy a portable filing system carry case and put them in manilla folders with the year clearly marked.
    – For display ideas, check out the Craftaholics Anonymous site http://www.craftaholicsanonymous.net/33-ideas-to-display-school-photos

  • I have a scrap book where I just choose a nice paper and then stick in the school photo ( we only get group shots) and then use nice letter and number stickers to write what class and year 🙂 It’s simple, neat and low cost.
    They’re all easy to see, find and store

  • Check out pintrest for ideas , mine are all in a pile in the cupboard so I am no help but pintrest is awesome so many ideas

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