
Like if you wait 6months on each of the set dates so Bub is a bit bigger does that matter?

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  • I would recommend seeing your doctor to discuss this issue.

  • Delayed schedules are possible, but always good to discuss this with your health care professional.
    You might find this article helpful ;

  • For me its important as vaccinated illnesses seem to be on the rise again and tue earlier i can protect my bub the better

  • It is also important to make sure that you can follow up any repeat doses that are needed and keep those as close as possible so that the booster is effective. eg if you’ve had one vaccination that needs a 5 year booster at school age it would be important to get this done at the right interval.. not leave it a few years… and mess the whole schedule up.

  • Have a chat to your health care professional but I believe they are scheduled for quite specific reasons. I also think a lot has to do with typical exposure times (daycare/kindy/school related)

  • A vaccination schedule is set for a reason which is to offer the best protection for a baby. I would hope your GP would be able to answer any and all of your questions in relation to vaccines and give you details about the schedule and explanations for the vaccinations. They can offer you advice on the process and relief for babies after the vaccinations if there is any discomfort. My children had minor discomfort and are well protected which is peace of mind.

  • My GP says they are most effective if you have them as close as possible to the recommended age.

  • Best to speak to a professional but keep in mind that the ages specified are done so to protect your child. In the case of Whooping Cough, the vaccination age was originally 8 weeks but was changed to 6 weeks as cases of whooping cough increased.

  • I think you should ask your question to your GP or nurse they can give you the medical explanation you need to make your decision.

  • Short answer, yes it does, because your baby will not be protected and therefore is vulnerable to disease.

    Longer answer: the vaccine schedule is specifically designed to provide the best protection for your child at safe ages and intervals, if you are concerned for health reasons of your baby or adverse reactions from older siblings talk to your doctor about a revised vaccine schedule but for most this is unnecessary. If there is no health reasons for delay (from your doctor) then you should get the vaccines as close to the schedule dates as possible. These diseases are debilitating, can result in permanent physical or mental disabilities or even death, especially for the young. These vaccines protect your child, your family and those your child is in contact with from these diseases. If in the unfortunate case where your child does still get one of these diseases the chance of getting serious complications is extremely low as the vaccine has taught the immune system how to defend and fight the disease.

  • They try and keep as close to the dates as possible, mainly in the first year to keep up immunity and complete the dose as most are in stages. 6 months is definitely way too long, personally even 1 month would be too long. I wouldn’t be concerned about size, they do it at this age for a reason!

  • They will not vaccinate a child if they know he/she is sick with a cold or virus. One of our children has two of his delayed because he had either a cold or throat infection. He was vaccinated when they were sure he had recovered.

  • in the first year of life i would say its important to do it on time.. but otherwise i think within a month either side is acceptable.. Mainly due to been busy .. but if its not done on time its to easy to keep postponing it then you might end up kicking yourself if your kid was to get sick.. I do have to admit i was a month late to get my youngest done when he was four years old.. That was till i remember the no jab no daycare etc…

  • Six months late is a bit too much I think. I was 2 months late with one of mine and felt awful. Stick to as close as possible to recommended ages

  • I think it is very important to vaccinate at the exact age. To wait some days or a couple of weeks I don’t think will change much, but waiting more than one moths looks just too much to me.

  • Hi, I am wondering why you feel you want to wait ? The prick may see bub cry at any age and mums antibodies passed on to bub are only temporary so starting on time is vital. There is science behind the scheduled procedures.
    My children are adults now but I will never forget my daughters experience: way back then the measles vaccine was given at 15mths it was in the pipeline to change to 12mths later down the track ..anyhow she came down with measles at 14mths and she was one very sick little tot. Luckily she never had any long term problems but I dam well made sure my son was vaccinated at 12mths.
    Google has some very interesting reading, : just google how important is it to vaccinate your child at the exact ages it says to
    Hope this helps and I am sure your friendly GP or Paediatrician can give you the full run down and reasons. All the very best to you and bub. 🙂


    Due dates are important

    Babies are vulnerable to serious and life-threatening diseases. This is why we aim to protect babies as early in life as possible.

    The best time to immunise against each disease varies. A mother’s antibodies (passed onto baby during pregnancy and via breast milk) are temporary and won’t fully protect a baby against all types of vaccine preventable diseases.

    This is why it is important that your baby be fully immunised within the first 6 months of life. In Australia, babies start receiving vaccines at birth and again at 6 weeks, 4 months and 6 months of age.

    To be fully protected, your child will require a full course (often more than 1 dose) of vaccines at critical times.Why on time?

    For the best protection, vaccinations need to occur on time. ‘On time’ means on (or as close as possible to) the due date in accordance with the National Immunisation Program Schedule Queensland. The schedule outlines the ages at which your child should be vaccinated to get the earliest and best protection against vaccine-preventable disease.

    Your child isn’t fully protected if their vaccination is overdue, even if they have been up-to-date in the past. An easy way to make sure you are on time with your child’s vaccinations is to download the free VacciDate smartphone app.

    Rotavirus vaccine can’t be given after a certain age. Children who miss the cut-off for rotavirus vaccine can’t commence or complete the course, and will be at risk of contracting this serious disease. It is recommended as part of the National Immunisation Program Schedule Queensland that immunisation against rotavirus, which is three oral (swallowed) doses, be given at 2, 4 and 6 months of age. Dose 1 cannot be given after your child reaches 13 weeks of age, and dose 3 cannot be given after your child reaches 33 weeks of age. No further catch-up doses can be given after your child is 33 weeks either. So to ensure full protection, make sure your child receives all recommended doses on time.

    For more information about rotavirus.

    If you are concerned that your child’s immunisation schedule is not up to date talk to your GP or call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84).
    Catch-up vaccination schedules

    If your child has missed one of their scheduled vaccinations, you should be able to get them up to date again through a catch-up schedule (other than rotavirus as explained above). Talk to your GP or immunisation provider to find out if your child needs any catch-up vaccinations, to plan a schedule and update your child’s records if need be.

    What if your child is unwell?

    Children who are slightly unwell can still receive their vaccination. If your child has a fever over 38.5 Celsius on the day, they should not be immunised. Valid reasons not to immunise children are rare, but if you are unsure, ask your doctor.

    If your child has ever had an allergic reaction or is undergoing a treatment that suppresses the immune system such as chemotherapy, check with your doctor before immunisation.

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