
Hi everyone. My little one has just started to become proactive with toilet training and I’m wondering how long the process took other kids. She is starting to tell me when she needs to go but is still having accidents. Thanks.

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  • I’ll be starting toilet trying in November-December. Hoping he’ll be fully toilet train by the end of summer.

  • There is no set time, it will happen when it does could take a couple of days could take months of trying.

  • For some it can be quick or others slow. It just depends every child is different,

  • My son started toilet training then stopped after his naughty Daddy told him off for having an accident. Only just got him back into it after 4 weeks.

  • My girl only took a couple weeks, I think it could take maybe a couple months but then again however long they need to master something like this. It’s a big step they have reached becoming a big girl or boy

  • I think give your child a month. As they are still so little.

  • It’s natural for little ones to have accidents and given that every child is different, there’s no real set timeframe for becoming fully toilet trained. Patients and encouragement will get us all there in the end.

  • Every child is different I have 4 children and it roughly took anywhere between 5 weeks to 3 months. My boys were quicker than my daughter she took 3 months.
    Just take the lead from daughter and try not to push it to much.
    Good luck

  • Every child is different.
    Dont judge your child against others. Just let her do things in her own time frame. Its not a competition and remember that she will get there in the end.

  • Every child is different so no matter how many people you ask, your child will only be ready when she’s ready and not before. Some get it straight away, others take a long time. When it is taking a long time sometimes it needs to be stopped totally and started again later or you can just bare with it and it will eventually click with them.

  • As said previously, every child is different.
    Im currently toilet training my twins which is very hard and frustrating at times
    My daughter seems to have clicked on and has only had 1 accident and tells me everytime she needs to wee and poo and has a dry nappy all the time.
    My son is the complete opposite, he doesnt tell me when he needs to go, he has accidents all the time, im trying to sticker chart which doesnt phase him, he will sit in a dirty nappy without telling me. He does try when his sister goes but hardly ever actually goes. It will take alot of patience and time. They will go when they are ready

  • We discovered that different kids can be VERY different in how they respond to toilet training!

    Our eldest responded really quickly and was daytime dry with very few accidents within a week. Our second took over a year, with lots of ups and downs, and then continued to have the odd accident! We thought we were experts after our first and were all set to get our second one sorted within a week, before getting a big shock!!

    I think the best thing is to be consistent but stay relaxed. We also found that progress is more likely in the summer, as the warmer weather is more conducive to wearing fewer clothes so it’s easier to quickly get pants down to go, plus easier to wash and dry things when there are accidents etc.

    All the best!

  • It’s really hard to say because each child is different. I found with my oldest child that the best thing is not to rush them, she probably took at least 6 months to get it down pat. I also have a three year old that after a few months of training is only just now asking to use the toilet but is still not doing anything on it. Good luck!

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