
Hi mums, just want to know how often you take everything out of your fridge and clean it. Taking out the shelves for a wash and washing the inside of the fridge.

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  • I used to be faithful with this, but I have to admit not often enough lately !

  • I do a full clean once a year. During the year I’ll just wipe down shelves and surfaces.

  • I clean mine out when it starting to look dirty,same with the shelves!

  • I attempt to do it once a month. Clean it out, get rid of wrinkly food and pit of date food. But if there’s a spillage, it’s cleaned straight away, regardless of the last clean

  • Maybe a quick clean every month, and a major clean every 6 months

  • I’m embarrassed to admit that I do it when I notice how gross it has become, usually after thinking for a couple of weeks that I really need to clean it!

  • I wash out my fridge once a fortnight that way t really never gets dirty. It is a bit like saying prevention is better than a cure.

  • House-keeping in the form of preventing spillages and timely removal of leftover food or that which is past its useby date is essential. Covered containers prevent messy and time-consuming spillages. A regular audit of perishable foods prevents unwanted smells and and spoilage juices contaminating good food. Always try to rotate stock in the fridge using up oldest items first. It should be then to possible to clean the fridge on an occasional basis only.

  • Yikes judging by all the other answers not often enough! I wipe off spills immediately and wipe down shelves weekly but would only do a full empty of the contents and clean every 2-3 months. Nobody has been poisoned so far……

  • I wipe my fridge out weekly and give it a thorough washing and disinfecting on a monthly basis

  • Whenever it’s required due to spillage, etc. I have a big fridge, but not a lot in it until Christmas or some other celebration, so it’s easy to see what’s there, and it’s generally clean. Keep bicarb and an absorber based on carbon I think, and these are replaced every 2 to 6 months depending on the season and how many celebrations we’ve had.

  • Once a month

  • I do it every fortnight the night before i go food shopping.
    Gives me a chance to actually see what i have and havent got in there.

  • I do mine about once a month. I wash with hot water and dish detergent and vinegar, the vinegar makes it easy to get off any greasy spills and after I restock I leave a little dish of bicarbonate of soda,. it helps get rid of strong smells. I spray the inside of my freezer with cooking oil spray as it makes it easier to remove any ice build up when I clean out the freezer, I do this a few times a year.

  • Before bin night, but I just wash shelves when I get the chance.

  • Once a week.. The night before the garbage is collected
    ..I throw out all the food that needs throwing..I wipe out all the shelf’s and walls with vanilla and give the crisper a good wash..it doesn’t take long coz when u do it once a week its effortless. Hope it helps

  • Fortnightly, before bin night.

  • When needed really, it could be 6 months it could be 2 weeks, depending on if anything got spilt etc. But do have a quick go through and chuck anything out that has gone out of date or any rubbish that was left in there. Do that probably once a week.

  • Probably once a month. I’d like to do it more often but I don’t have the time.

  • We do it every week before putting our grocery shopping away. It means it is never too dirty and much easier to clean.

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