
Hi… mother of two (2.5yrs & 6m) and my 2.5yr old boy is a runner! Loves to run! Sometimes he will listen but mostly just runs and I’ve started to minimise where we go together because it’s dangerous.
I guess my question is, do they grow out of this? Are there certain activities I can do to help? I’ve tried the monkey backpack and it makes him worse… plus I don’t like the look of it in public if I’m being honest

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  • He will grow out of it. Maybe try talking about it before each outing (I”m sure you do) but then rewarding good behaviour.

  • It’s quite common for toddlers to be enthusiastic runners. While they usually grow out of it as they develop more self-control, in the meantime, consider engaging in structured activities that channel their energy, like organized playdates, toddler gymnastics, or outdoor games that involve stopping and starting.

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