
After renting for 0ne year, I now find my clothes are being badly eaten by silverfish in my brand new home. HELP!!!!!

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  • I really don’t know how to solve this problem, but I hope you were able to get rid of the silver fish.

  • I was going to suggest throwing cedar balls around in the wardrobe, but I doubt they would help if the infestation is bad.

  • We have had the same problem after recently moving and it seems the silverfish came with us in our moving boxes! We had to have our new place sprayed by a pest controller to stop the infestation problem occurring in our new place. It was the only way to ensure that we didn’t have it happen again! God luck!

  • After following all your great advice, I found yesterday that my clothes are still being eaten!!!! Could it be something else? EEEKKK!!! I am at my wits end and sick of my good clothes being ruined!

  • Some may have followed you in boxes from your old place. Our old couch was full of them.
    Hope you’ve got the problem sorted now. I can’t stand silverfish!!

  • I have multiple cakes of soap in all my draws, cupboards and wardrobes which repel moths, silverfish and other creepy crawlies. No chemical smell to deal with either. works for me, good luck.

  • Sometimes an infestation can be so bad that professional help is required and then natural alternatives can be used as a preventative measure. I prefer natural methods, but sometimes professional help is needed.

  • Thank you for the answers. Yes I have tried mothballs etc and was hoping not to have nasty chemicals associated with pest control people but that may be the way to go!!!

  • Yuck! Agree that you may need pest control.

  • Given the extent of your problem, I would be seeking advice from a pest controller about removal and continuing control.

  • You can get some sachets from Bunnings which you place around your home to kill them. but if it is an infestation then I would get a pest control person in.

  • Have you tried those white moth balls that you throw in the draws. My mother used to use them most of her life as every draw seems to have one , and the clothes always stay fresh and clean . Try that .

  • professionals can help you out also with pest control.

  • Unfortunately according to what we were told by a builder some types of timber attract silverfish.
    What my Mum did was empty the cupboards, wardrobes etc. and spray in them with insect spray and leave the doors shut for a few hours, then open to breathe and if possible open a window to ventilate some fresh air in. She lined the shelves with shelf paper or old gift wrapping paper. She put cakes of soap with either end of the of the packet open amongst our clothes on shelves and in drawers. Silverfish and moths don’t like it at all. I think you can still get mothballs. They don’t like the smell of them either. If you have little fingers or paws make sure they can’t tough them at all. You can buy insect sprays that are labelled low odour or low irritant. They do smell, not not near as much as others do…………Another handy hint. If you hang your washing outdoors to dry, always shake it as you take it off the line. Tiny little moths and other insects sometimes settle on your washing and are not easy to see. You don’t want to take them inside and them multiply.

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