
My 5 month old hates car rides, whether it’s a 2 minute drive or the dreaded 30 minutes. We have tried music, toys, etc, however it all leads to severe crying.

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  • Maybe your baby feels alone in the back ? Is it possible someone sits besides your baby. I would keep on offering music, sing for your baby, chat with your baby, have an interactive book connected to the car seat, bring your baby’s favorite teddy

  • Walk when ever you can. Try and time car trips with nap times, hopefully they’ll sleep most of the way

  • Keep his some favourite toys , some crackers or other stuff to eat download some music in mobile or tqb5

  • yeah rhymes and maybe feed your bub just before the drive so bub can sleep for about an hour…and then bubba might be calm ..

  • I found my son did the same thing around that age and it was just a phase he went through…a horrible phase, but it passed. A nursery rhyme cd was the only thing that would work some of the time

  • Sometimes travelling in the back seat can help. They do grow out of it although it doesn t feel like it…

  • The only way to calm my son down in the car was an iPad with Mickey Mouse playing, he cried for months on end in the car until I tried this, he absolutely hated the car and the only way he was happy was when this was on! Anything is worth a try, this was a last resort for us but I couldn’t handle the crying and didn’t want to turn his seat around any earlier then I needed to. X

  • I have the sane problem with my son and he’s 2 1/2. We have tried so much also. Snacks, music, changed car seats, toys…. still looking for a solution.

  • Hey mumma!
    Car ride with a crying baby is terrible 🙁
    Here’s what works for me, my bub is nearly 5months.
    We live 30mins from a small town, and hour from coles and 4.5hours from my family, so we spen a lot of time in the car.

    – white noise on my phone tucked into her car seat where she can’t see/ reach it. I then also have the radio on like normal
    – a toy clipped to something so she doesn’t throw it out
    – the shirt I wore the previous day tucked into the seat so she can smell me but can’t pull it out and put it over her face
    – I also try to do trips around her nap or sleep time. Whenever we are driving to see our families I leave at 4am so she will be waking up just as we are getting there.

    Is she does get unsettled i stop, find a tree, lay a picnic rug out with a few toys and we play, chat and have boob for 10 mins and we try again.

    Good luck mumma!

  • Have you thought about moving the car seat to another seat?! Or even someone sitting next to baby? My son hated the car and we then tried having someone in the backseat with him and loved it.

  • Medically you could try a baby chiropractor or if that’s all good, you could put up a photo of mum/dad so they can see that. Or a mirror to look at themselves. Good luck

  • One of those things they might just need to outgrow

  • I usually make sure theyre comfy Nd usually have the cartoons playing for distraction especially on longer trips

  • Very quick trips to get them used to it without too much distress. Even just roubd the block then back out for cuddles and a play.

  • I know you have probably tried this, but is baby fed, clean and comfortable? I have found that my children always travelled better when they were full. Also do you have a mirror attached so nubs can see you? Sounds like it could be anxiety due to not being able to see you. There are great little travel mirrors you can purchase. Good luck

  • I have heard some people take their kids to get their back alignments checked as it is so uncomfortable for them in the car. Maybe block out the window if they are on the side seat of the car

  • Your baby may suffer from motion sickness but not vomit. Many people can sit or lay facing backwards while travelling (one of my pet hates in an ambulance). Are your rear door windows shielded to lessen the sun glare at all? Baby would also be getting the reflection/glare from other vehicles which could be adding to the problem caused by travelling backwards. Could your baby be getting cold / hot from the air coming out of the vents? We found that is another issue we had to resolve. I know in some states there is laws re changing your baby to face forwards. If your baby is long / tall enough you may be able to use that method to change your baby to face forward sooner. Also check that the harness straps aren’t too tight including across baby’s shoulders. You could try moving baby to the centre of the rear seat. Of course it depends how many people you have using the rear seat and whether or not they are in baby or booster seats.

  • Yep It’s hard at times. But if someone can sit in the back and if they sing that does help. Also scheduling car trips with nap times helps. Wishing you all the best of luck.

  • We had the same problem with both our kids until we turned them around. But we found a mirror helped sometimes, loads of noisy toys. If someone can sit in the back that helps. I hope you find something that works, it does make it so stressful! x

  • How about dummy or snack( baby crakers). Did u try to sit with your child and try to entertain with hand puppets.other thing i can suggest is change a car seat possition – rearfacing to front(if you can at this stage) or to other side.

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