
I moved almost 3 years ago now and still don’t have a close group of friends. I put myself out there volunteer at my childs school when I can. I host numerous play dates but never get invited anywhere. Its very hard. Hubby is FIFO we have no support here.

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  • Finding friends can be hard, take a look at what your interests are and see if you can link in with any groups with people of similar interests to develop a connection. We tend to make closer connections to people with similar interests, and as our lives change we meet new people and tend to see other friends less.

  • I would suggest posting a “let’s hang out” invitation on a Facebook mother’s group, or working a couple of days a week at a large business where you have a greater chance of meeting like-minded people. I find it is tough when you don’t have hobbies to meet people. There are also friend matching apps you might like to try

  • Yes I dont have any friends or family to have coffee or even chat with

  • It’s really hard.Try to talk with a person you most like to be friend every day. People need to be trust before inviting you.I made new friend as i gave my unwanted nail stickers for her beautiful nails.

  • It’s definitely hard! Sometimes people who are looking for friendship are in the same boat. Have you looked up a community page on facebook for your area? Often they will have an extension that one of those Mums that just brings everyone together puts up and you can join – often they set up meet ups or play dates. I’ve yet to do one but I often think I should 😀

  • It certainly is difficult when you first move to a new area. When we moved Interstate, I made a point of introducing ourselves to our new neighbours and joined a few local Facebook pages. It takes a while, but eventually you will meet a group who you can relate to and then it spreads out from there …..

  • Have you tried discussing with your local maternal child health nurse maybe she could refer you to some groups?

  • Sorry to hear that. It must be very discouraging when you put in the effort. Keep up the connections at school and maybe consider joining a church community. They can be very inclusive.

  • I’m so sorry to hear! I’ll happily be a friend if you are in need X

  • It is hard to make friends but if you like playing sport you can meet new people that way. Go to the pool and join in maybe aqua aerobics or walking group maybe a book club if you like reading.

  • It is hard. I’m having a similar problem, in that many of my friends seem to have decided to move on from me (I don’t know why) and it is hard to meet new people. I guess I can only suggest, do things you enjoy and you’ll be likely to meet people you have something in common with.

  • It’s hard when you host but don’t get invited in return. Maybe a Mother’s Group through CAFHS? Kindergym? Keep trying! xx

  • Its hard..which part of Australia r u? If u live near Campbelltown nsw please join our fb page #hotmessmums

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