
I am a mum of 6 month old baby. Whenever my little boy wakes up at night, I am unable to put him back to sleep. I bf him. He doesn’t take the bottle at all. I tried few times but no luck. Any tips?

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  • Eat, play, sleep

    Don’t feed your baby just before they go down sleep try and give at least 30mins before bed

  • I know of 2 Mums who have given their baby a little bit of cereal with the night feed and both found that their babies slept longer through the night. I know another baby who started waking spot on 11.00pm every night It didn’t matter what time he went to bed he still woke up then. You didn’t need an alarm to know it was 11.00pm. They tried everything they could think of, nappy, dummy(he had one at that age), he didn’t want a feed. In desperation they took him to the Dr. who did and arranged some other tests. Decision was that his body clock was out of whack. Dr. put him on special herbal drops and he gradually slept a lot longer. They were able to wean him off sooner than what the Dr. said would be needed.

  • I hate to be that mum, but legit…. my youngest has just turned 18 months, and has only just started to sleep through the night 9pm – 5am. If he wakes through the night, I have to hold him until he falls back asleep, or stroke his face, or be in the room….. . . . Up until 12 months, I was still feeding him through the night…. however, went to sleep school and they said from about 8 months, he shouldn’t need to feed through the night, so i eventually dropped that feed in the hopes he would sleep through…..

  • How about collecting? Maybe that will help

  • Have you tried a dummy? Burping for a longer time? When my baby was little I’d place a warm wheat pack in their cot before putting them down. White noise can also help them sleep and you can get apps for it

  • In my experience, babies don’t sleep for extended periods until they start on solid foods which seem to fill their little bellies up and can help them to stay asleep for longer. I found that a good routine helps a lot – have a series of steps that signal it is time for sleeping. I found that it is good to tire them out if possible with an outing in the fresh air, then a lavender-scented bath, massage with oil, comfy clothes, quiet and dark room, then a big feed and hopefully then sleep! Don’t be too upset if he takes a while to settle into a routine – although it feels like it is forever, they are only that little for a short while!

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