
Back in March of this year I started to lose my vision in my right eye so decided to to see a Eye Specialist only to discover that my whole Retina had detached and needed surgery ASAP. 1st operation was done but 4 weeks later we discovered that the operation did not work so on to the 2nd operation which only worked partially then needed the 3rd operation to try and recover some sight back into my right eye. Now just waiting for the 4th operation some time in Sept this year to see if the Oil they put in as worked. So I have to say that its been a hard long road and and still not over yet.

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  • I am so sorry. I hope things get better.

  • I’m sorry to hear you are going through this! Wishing you luck for your recovery!

  • Do hope it will all work well in September and this last operation will be the one that works wonders for you.

  • Aw bless, that is a lot ! I hope it will be effective in the end !

  • This would certainly be worrying and challenging. Wishing you all the best for a full recovery.

  • OMG this sounds very stressful and worrying, that is a lot of surgeries in such a short time frame. It must be very emotional for you to go through all of that. I hope the 4th operation in September is your last one and you can get everything sorted and then live a normal healthy life. Good luck mumma.

  • Oh hun, this sounds physically and mentally exhausting. Really hoping your next appointment gives you confirmation that things are working well. You’re so strong to have back to back to back ops. Wishing you all the best.

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