
Food and fussiness

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  • I suppose it differs per child

  • Mine didn’t. I found when they moved out of home, they even became more food adventurous, which is good

  • With some things they do. With my kids they would say they didn’t like something even if they use to eat it. I’m glad that there is only a handful of foods that my kids won’t eat

  • I have found with my children that they got fussier once they hit the age of two, but I think this is because they have been introduced to wider range of foods by this age. My youngest is three so he still tries to see what he can get away with but my oldest who is in school was fussier than younger one but this is now passing with maturity and respect of the rule eat what you are given and try your food atleast three times before saying you don’t like it.

  • I hear you Sam. I used to offer any pasta or rice and it was inhaled. Now she looks at it, sometimes it is okay but more often it’s not what she wanted. When did they get to choose?!

  • I’m beginning to think yes, as my 6 year old apparently doesn’t like peas or sausages anymore, and can get fussy with certain meals I make now. She used to eat absolutely anything and everything.

  • I think they do they go through a stage where all of a sudden they don’t like things they normally like and prefer foods the can quickly snack on but I find this dosnt last to long once there more active and building up a appetite

  • YES – all 4 have and its driving me crazy to the point I can no longer keep up with their forever changing taste buds

  • They do! My daughter use to eat anything as a toddler but now refuses to eat strawberry, banana and jam. All things she use to eat daily

  • Mine started when they understood the word No and when they had the ability to choose what they could have and get away with . My sister in laws son used to only eat avocado sandwiches all day long and he is only 7 . I think it depends on their personality and the if you allow choices for them to make . When I was growing up you either ate or be hungry .Good luck .

  • I have 3 very fussy ones. My eldest is the worst. I have to put cheese and olives in separate areas they can’t touch. He lives on pasta with salad dressing… 2 particular kinds mixed, and rice with soy sauce. None will eat cooked veg but they are all healthy as they eat things cold… like carrot sticks and cucumber… my miss 3 will only eat cucumber skin!! but that’s great it’s still good for her. I try to focus on the things they will eat and try to make different thing out of those items. Sometimes I loose it and threaten stew when they refuse everything but they eat toast and vegemite so that will do some nights.

  • I found my son became fussy at around 3 yrs old. He’s 6 now and will sometimes try something new.

  • I think it’s get easier!

  • Thank you for all your answers, very helpful. I’ll just keep trying to get her to eat those veggies.

  • To some extent … I think they start developing preferences and by the time they can make their own sandwich they certainly have an opinion on what they’d prefer today!. But if a young child is avoiding certain foods – and you are worried they might become awkward/fussy to feed or they are avoiding ‘healthy’ food – it might be worth checking. If they are old enough to explain what is going on maybe ask – they could be experiencing a reaction or developing some intolerance and simply feel ‘uncomfortable’ after eating something, hence that is putting them off. If they are ‘fussy’ about junk food and processed meals then maybe that isn’t a bad thing! But if it’s fruit/veg/nuts etc. then I’d be more worried.

  • My daughter when she was younger used to eat anything and everything but when she turned 2 or 3 she stopped eating vegetables except corn. I tried to sneak as many veggies as i could into to meals. Shes about to turn 5 and shes slowly starting to eat more things.

  • Yes my little miss did but now almost 4 and we are going back to eating most things

  • My kids never were that fussy. They were easy and good eaters as babies & toddlers, became a bit fussy for some foods the following years, but now at age 12, 11, 6 and nearly 3 they are enjoying most of the food and are always willing to try to eat something new. We cook / bake once a week together and they love to be involved.

  • I think it depends on the child. My nieces child has become fussier as he has gotten older – going from eating all to being super fussy, whereas my son was the other way around.

  • I hope not! My mr 3 has always been super fussy but now that i am able to use A bit of bribary dinner time is slowly starting to get easier!

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