
“i’m not exactly sure how to approach this subject… i am wanting to talk to other mums and get their views on immunisations with out people getting persecuted or bullied for their posts. I have 3 girls. 6 1/2 & 3 1/2 yo twins. my first child is fully vaccinated but had some terrible reactions in the process. None that left her mentally effected thanks goodness. my twins are partially vaccinated and we have conscientiously objected for the moment and are planning on delayed vaccinations after we have found more sound information but i am struggling to find unbiased information ANYWHERE.  So my questions i guess are: Who has delayed their vaccinations and why? and where did they get information? this is a very touchy subject. I do believe that vaccinations are a good thing. i was just alarmed at the amount given to small babies/children and seeing the severe reaction from my eldest definitely raised concerns.” Do you have any answers for this immunisation query?

Posted by Emily, 06/05/13

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  • Vaccinations are such a controversial topic! I hope that you have found peace in whatever you decide to do!

  • Your child’s reaction are extreme and very rare. I think the benefits of vaccination far out weigh the bad things. The chance of bad reactions are rare and don’t hapoen often. I think you need to sound time with a child suffering whooping cough or chicken pox, it’s devastating to see your child suffer so much and not able to do anything, this will convince you vaccinate I think

  • I had to delay months due to an illness. There needs to be 6 weeks between most so just caught up.

  • I vaccinated my two with no reactions!!

  • I can understand your concern, however try and look at it from another angle. What if all parents like yourself that had the slightest concerns (many that have their children immunised do) decided not to immunise – what would happen?

    You have stated that you were alarmed at the dosage and the reaction to the immunisation to small babies, what about the effects from a disease they might contract if not immunised?

    It was thanks to immunisation that the shocking small pox was eradicated and polio has almost disappeared from many countries – I couldn’t imagine a world where those diseases could still be around to infect our children. If you’re looking for unbiased opinions, you won’t find many as people will be biased one way or the other – they’re either for it or against it.

    We rely on each other being immunised to protect us, that’s just how it works.

    At the end of the day, it’s up to you to make the choice.

    For some good info on this you could look at the World Heath Organisation site, scroll down to General Information, myths and facts and also the fact sheets. http://www.who.int/topics/immunization/en/

  • We have vaccinated both as we felt the benefits outweighed the risks and complications. Our youngest had some side effects with the new combination vaccine given at 18mths and which ended up being reported to state health but we have continued to vaccinate her. I agree with the difficulties regarding unbiased information. I lent towards government pages and information for Australia. I stayed away from overseas material. Good luck.

  • My son took all his vaccination on time and no negative reaction.

  • Now they are older I would start to get them mention the reactions to a doctor or whoever is doing them and see if there is an alternative.

  • My eldest is done but my youngest has not had them all. A friend of mine put me off as her son had a bad reaction.

  • For me it wasn’t a question, I vaccinated both however no history of reactions.

  • I did vaccinate my two without any reactions. I guess I just wanted them to be protected. I hope you found the info you were after.

  • I think for me, I feel immunizations give my children protection against worse things than reactions to the initial immunisations.

  • I hope you found the answers you needed

  • I am about to get my 4 year old twins immunised. I think we all should immunise kids for their safety.

  • Mine are done to schedule and would always be unless they had a serious illness. Each to their own.

  • I do mine on time every time my 15 year old had issues by my two year old hasn’t. They are eying safer and safer all the time and I think the vaccine is after to get than not to get

  • I personally will always vaccinate as if my child got very seriously ill as a result of not being vaccinated I would not be able to live with myself. The reactions from the needles for me are nothing compared to my child getting something like whopping cough

  • Will be reading through everyone’s answers here as I’m really interested in this topic.

  • The best place for you start would be your healthcare professional – that way you can go in to the background of your concerns with your eldest and see whether there is anything that can be done to minimise side effects for your other children…
    As a personal choice I feel that the benefits of vaccinations are too great to not have them done but by the same token I wouldn’t be doing anything that would put my child at unnecessary risk either – So I really don’t know what I’d do in your situation..

  • Hope u get the right answers here

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