
Has anyone recently been trying to overcome and incessant cough?! It has been 6 weeks, spoken to GP who offered little advice other than it will pass. Its affecting our sleep, everyone in the family has it. Otherwise well. Any advice on how to overcome this cough or even get some relief?

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  • Try Rikodene which helps a lot for stubborn dry coughs. I would also get a second opinion and try simple things like honey lemon tea, humidifier and stepsils

  • Get a second opinion to be sure and try honey to soothe it.

  • My son used to catch a cold and the dry cough hung round for ages after all other symptoms had cleated. I feel your pain

  • I always have a green tea with lemon in the morning and add extra lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey to it. It seems to work for me.

  • No, but you have my sympathy. Coughs seem to hang around a long time.

  • Might be an old wives’ tale, but I heard that eating stewed apples helps with coughs.

  • I think a cough does take a long time to go away.

  • Yep, I have this too and so does my manager. I think he passed it onto me!!! We’ve both been taking Rikodene which seems to be helping a bit but still hasn’t completely gotten rid of it but it’s good for when you start having those coughing fits.

  • Persistent coughs should always be followed up.

  • Get a second opinion. A persistent cough can be whooping cough. It sounds different in adults, there is no ‘whoop’ sound.

  • That is a very long cough. I’ve just come out of having one. Usually my go to things for a cough would be something like elderberry syrup/tablets or gummies depending on the age of those taking them, high dose vitamin c, drinking regular filtered water, could do magnesium flake baths to help detox (the flakes are $6 a bag on sale at Coles at the moment nearby the cold and flu section, on the bottom shelf) adding more things to meals like garlic and onion, pasta bakes and soups come first to mind where you can hide these ingredients pretty easy, I give my daughter homeopathic medicine from the health shop it’s called ‘Cough Complex’ and contains a dose of Belladonna, Drosera, Ipecac, Kali Carb, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla and Spongia. I would usually take homeopathic medicine as well but I am not currently due to being pregnant. My daughters cough cleared up very quick using the homeopathic medicine which was about $20 for the little shaker tube full of pilules which are like tiny little balls you just put under your tonue 2-4 times a day. They actually taste good. Mine have always lasted quite a while so I would say they are good value and certainly worth trying. The brand is owen homeopathics if you want to look into them online, I purchased them in store from GoVita. Also probably the most important one of all.. loads of sunshine! Don’t put on sunscreen it will block the Vitamin D which it sounds like you are all needing right now. Instead limit your time in the sun depending on what you are used to and try to do it either closer to the morning or evening when the sun is less harsh. Perhaps start with 10 minutes at a time outside in clothing the sun can go on your arms, legs and face etc. do not wear sunglasses while doing this as this confuses the body to thinking its night time and you wont absorb the Vitamin D correctly, it can also increase the skin burning. Do this about 3 times a day to start. Gradually increasing your time in the sun daily, say 15mins at a time, 20 mins at a time, up to 30 mins at a time. I would also suggest trying to limit ultra processed seed oils during this time as they can increase your skin burning, so try to limit anything with vegetable oil, canola oil, sunflower seed oil etc. and use olive oil when cooking (these oil tips will help overall health in general too). I would also suggest purchasing new toothbrushes for the whole family.

  • Maybe get a second professional opinion if it persists?

  • Lemsip before bed helps. I sleep in an unheated room and when I had it it was often worse when I first went to bed. I think the change to cold air may have irritated it. Maybe I imagined it but if I popped the sheet over my mouth it seemed to help.

  • Honey, lemon and ginger hot water. Keeping nice and warm in the evenings. Try your best to not cough, it will further irritate your throat and keep the cycle going.

  • it has already been suggested below but i was also going to say buy a humidifier if you don’t already have one and see if that helps.

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