
My daughter is very fussy, and I have found purees seem to keep her eating atm. But when I try to spoon feed her she grabs it or hits it away a d won’t eat anything. I’ve tried giving her a spoon of her own and distracting her with other things but it only ever works once then it’s back to puree everywhere! I bought some reusable pouches and fill them with homemade purees. I hi e her the whole pouch and she will generally eat the whole thing. Is it bad to be feeding her this way? Should I try to limit the pouches she gets a day? She currently has 1-3 puches a day.

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  • Seriously who cares. If shes happy and eating then just go with it. Dont listen to the negative nancy’s

  • Is there a particular flavour she likes from the pouch maybe try to make them fresh and place it in a food pouch like a cherub food pouch?

  • This is a tough one. My four year old will still only have his yoghurt out of the pouches no matter what we try. I know health professionals and dentists say not to use them…. but I dunno, he wont be eating like that when he is 10.

  • If she is a fussy eater and you have found something she will eat there’s no issue as she needs to eat

  • Keep in mind that some pouches contain a fair amount of salt or sugar so I advise you to check the ingredients. Maybe try mashing her vegetables, not to the extent that the texture is the same as pureed. Pouches are ok for emergencies but it may not be a good idea for you to actually give them to her. Hopefully you are not allowing your daughter to suck the food out of the pouches like some do.

  • I feel your pain, my 4th is allergic to many things so I found food pouches a god send. I only use the ones with a clear section so I can check for mould as I know that has come up a few times in social media. As long as it’s not the sweetened variety I believe It can only be helpful, They will grow out of it and its more important that they eat and grow.

  • There is nothing wrong with feeding your one yr old purees. The main thing is bub is getting food. Mine still “are” from the pouches at 2-3 some days.

  • Indeed! I remember that I used to purée pasta alla carbonara for my daughter when she was young. Luckily that phase passed! :-)

  • Sounds to me you’re doing the right thing. You say you still I give her some as Solids each day and that she loves her meat and just fusses with the fruit & veggies unless it’s pureed. Kids go through stages, encouraging is ok but forcing doesn’t help. She’ll get there, I’m sure she won’t be eating pureed foods when she’s 20 ;)

  • The main thing is that she is eating and its good homemade food and not the store bought puree. Maybe offer her the pouch and have at the side some steamed carrot or sweet potato, things she can easily grab and eat to start to encourage her feeding herself again.

  • She used to be a n amazing eater. A mix of spoon fed and baby lead Weaning. She would eat everything I gave her. It’s just the last month has been more throwing food than eating. Unless it’s meat. She loves meat. But fruit and veg is a no go unless it’s pureed. I still give her some as Solids each day.

  • If you are making your own purees then it must be well cooked and healthy than store bought food pouches. Try giving her finger food because kids at this age wants to be their own boss and eating on her own will give her than sense of independence.

  • I think it depends on the purées – the main risk is tooth decay. I think if you clean her teeth properly, there’s no problem. She will grow out of it!

  • I’m sure it’s fine as she’s eating. I like the suggestion below about attaching a spoon head to the pouch. You can also get them in the supermarket. This way she can get used to the spoon. Have you tried baby led weaning? That might work and there are plenty of people to follow on Instagram with some great recipe ideas. Annabel Karmel is great.

  • I think it’s fine for now as it gets her eating which is the most important thing. I don’t know any adults who still only eat everything from a pouch so I think she’ll be fine :)

  • Don’t feel pressured by other mums to feed her a certain way, as long as she it eating something thats all that matters. You could slowly introduce other methods, but do it at your pace so its not stressing you out. She will eat more when she is ready.

  • Ebay has spoons that attach to the pouches, worth a try for developing better mouth muscles.

  • If she us eating healthy food that you have prepared and placed in the pouch then I think you have discovered a great way to ensure she is eating well. The hard east things with many young kids is getting them to eat at all…. especially the healthy stuff. I think you’ve nailed it!! Her eating habits will change over time. I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Your doing a great job!

  • Relax ! Fed = best :)

  • If you have a fussy eater do what is working for you.

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