
I added some essential oils to my bath last night (it was a blend called Australian shores) and could feel a bit of a burny tingling sensation on my thigh and butt area but was able to ignore/put up with it as I’ve felt similar sensations with bath bombs and I’m fine when I get out. This time I’ve been left with sore red marks almost like sunburn. Is this some sort of allergic reaction? I’ve never had any allergies before.

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  • Phototoxic reactions: Citrus essential oils, including lemon, lime, orange, and bergamot, are known to cause photosensitive reactions. The symptoms of such reactions are: skin redness or discoloration. burning or itching. Australian shores blend has a blend of Lemon, Eucalyptus, Vanilla and Tea Tree, so this could cause such reaction indeed

  • I would discontinue use and seek advice from a medical professional as it may not be right for you

  • Have a doctor check it out, check with the company and see if it is a blend to use on the body, or if its a diffuse blend only.

  • Yes, you can get burnt by essential oil especially if you use it neat (undiluted). However, if adding to bath (assuming a very high dilution) then your reaction sounds more like allergic reaction than burnt. Best to check with your GP though.

  • I would not be using them again and maybe get in touch with the company just to let them know what happened

  • Yes essential oils can burn. It’s important to dilute them with another oil like coconut oil (epsom salts may be an option but not positive) as the oils don’t dissolve in water and can burn skin if they come in direct contact. Also important to check whether the oils in the blend are suitable for a bath (some oils are hot oils so not nice even diluted). Hope your burn is feeling better soon.

  • I didn’t think oil and water went together. I would definitely stay clear as you definitely get burns.

  • You certainly can get burns from essential oils and some are worse than others. Google this and there is a heap of info.
    All the best to you and hope you are feeling better.

  • Generally when I add oils to my bath I add it with a small amount of milk. My skin can be sensitive but I haven’t had any reaction to oils before

  • Sounds like you are sensitive to that particular oil. Always best to do a patch test.

  • I know youre meant to add essential oils to a carrier oil rather than just directly onto the skin, but not sure about when you add to a bath?! Maybe you have had an allergic reaction to it. Hope its ok

  • Yeah you can get reactions to essential oils, that’s why you’re not meant to put them on your skin or breathe them in

  • No it’s not normal and yes sounds like an allergy or sensitivity to an ingredient. I use them regularly in my bath with no issue. Perhaps that one would have a better use depending on the ingredients? Cleaning or in a vaporiser etc. I run a hot bath as hot as it can go, then add 1 cup bi-carb soda to neutralise the chlorine in the water, wait 5 mins then fill up the cup with epsom salts I add about 8 drops of pure 100% eucalyptus essential oil and about 5 drops of pure 100% lavender essential oil then pour into bath and never had any issues. If you dropped the oil straight into the bath it probably wont dilute properly straight oils shouldnt be used on skin as they are usually too strong so putting them on epsom salts first is a great tip for bath use.

  • My daughter put essential oils in her washing as it gave the clothes a beautiful smell until she developed a rash (hives) on certain parts of her body where her clothing was touching.

  • Yes, you can, it’s your body’s way of letting you know that you have a reaction, intolerance, or allergy to that essential oil.

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