
When bub have blocked nose and having difficulty breathing hroug nose I apply Vicks rub on his chest. But wondering is it safe to use it continuously for few days?

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  • It’s ok for a couple of days. I find it works fantastic if you put it on their feet before bed.. I use the bear rub one as it’s not so over powering. A couple do have a age limit on them just check with chemist

  • I would think it is but would check with a health professional first.

  • I found Vicks to be quite overpowering so I used to put it on my kids feet, and yes its safe to use over a couple of days. Having said that, I only ever put it on at bedtime

  • The moment my baby start sneezing and had runny nose, I applied Vicks Baby Balsam continuously until a few days past he’s well. I applied it to his chest, back and his feet. I also use Fess Little Nose Saline Spray for his blocked nose.

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