
I have not found any yet. Does anyone know if there is one?

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  • It is best to see a doctor as there is a reason why cough occurs and it is better to find the cause of coughing first before giving them any sort of medication .

  • Yes there is. It’s like all cough medicine though, not 100% convinced it works, but makes me feel better to know I’m doing something. Have you tried a humidifier? This is good if it’s a dry cough, can even help bring up phlegm in wet coughs

  • Unfortunatly not I was told by the pharmacist the other day. 🙁

  • no pharamicist wont give you something until they’re like 2

  • I see lots of people have listed what to & what not to give sick bubbas. I have 2 boys & when the got sick as babies I did the usual panadol, steamer, vicks & used a snot sucker. I found the best thing for a cough was to put baby vicks on their feet! sounds strange but it works.

  • No there’s not, not that I’ve found anyway. My 6 month old is really sick at the moment & I can’t do anything for him apart from Panadol, his bottles & coconut water..

  • Thankyou everyone for your help

  • im almost 100% sure you can no longer get it for kids under two? ask at the chemist as i may be wrong

  • It is no longer considered safe for little ones to have cough medicine and my experience with three children was it just didn’t help. The best solution to a cough was Vicks Vaporub in small babies just a touch on the soles of the feet and older children gently rubbed into the back.

  • No there is not, but depending on the cough you could always try saline drops for babies! It might clear up the nasal passage therefore stopping any mucus build up!

  • Not available for children under 6 any more. You don’t say whether the cough is dry or moist, which in an older child or adult would definitely affect which type of cough medicine you would use. I’d be taking my child/baby to the doctor, for a professional diagnosis. Better safe than sorry.

  • cough medicine is not suitable for any child under 6. see your gp – they may need antibiotics at that age or they might need an inhaler such as ventolin.

  • My children have had it all RSV to croup, I personal never used cough medicine. I do pain reliever and plenty of fluids. Also depending on the cough I will take them in just to have there lungs check to make sure it has not turned into some thing more sinister.

  • For your child’s age I would be asking a Doctor.

  • It is now not able to be sold to the under 6 year old age bracket in pharmacies. Cough medicines no longer even come with a dose for the under 6 group. The legislation was changed a little while ago. It can be sold to children but must involve a pharmacist in the sale to the 6-12 age group. Usually the only thing that can be recommended for cold like symtoms are things like Vicks vapor rub and things of that nature now. You can use the fess nasal sprays for infants with the aspirator to unblock little stuff noses, as it is only saline, but coughs may require a visit to the GP or an initial chat to your local pharmacist.

  • I wouldn’t risk it, any medicine over the counter or not you should check with your doctor

  • Cough medicine can’t be purchased for kids under 5(I think) without a script from the DR, Brauer do have some suitable for children 🙂 natural. Highly reccomend.

  • I didn’t think it was advised any more to give cough medicine to under 5’s. Cough medicine isn’t proven to work, but it does of course make the parent feel better because they get to do ‘something’ for their sick child. I’d use steam baths, drink lots of water and get plenty of rest.

  • We have use little coughs for our 1 year old, and I think that it is suitable from 6 months? It is not a cough syrup as such but helps break down the mucus so that they can get it up more easily.

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