
I am only about 6 weeks into my second pregnancy and am concerned about my breastmilk. I did not get breastmilk with my first pregnancy and I would like to know if there is anything I can do to ensure I get a milk supply with this pregnancy?

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  • Milk production is a demand & supply process. If you need to increase milk supply, it’s important to understand how milk is made – understanding this will help you to do the right things to increase production.

    To speed milk production and increase overall milk supply, the key is to remove more milk from the breast and to do this frequently, so that less milk accumulates in the breast between feedings.

    OK, now on to things that can help increase your milk supply:

    Make sure that baby is nursing efficiently. This is the “remove more milk” part of increasing milk production. If milk is not effectively removed from the breast, then mom’s milk supply decreases. If positioning and latch are “off” then baby is probably not transferring milk efficiently. A sleepy baby, use of nipple shields or various health or anatomical problems in baby can also interfere with baby’s ability to transfer milk. For a baby who is not nursing efficiently, trying to adequately empty milk from the breast is like trying to empty a swimming pool through a drinking straw – it can take forever. Inefficient milk transfer can lead to baby not getting enough milk or needing to nurse almost constantly to get enough milk. If baby is not transferring milk well, then it is important for mom to express milk after and/or between nursings to maintain milk supply while the breastfeeding problems are being addressed.
    Nurse frequently, and for as long as your baby is actively nursing. Remember – you want to remove more milk from the breasts and do this frequently. If baby is having weight gain problems, aim to nurse at least every 1.5-2 hours during the day and at least every 3 hours at night.
    Take a nursing vacation. Take baby to bed with you for 2-3 days, and do nothing but nurse (frequently!) and rest (well, you can eat too!).
    Offer both sides at each feeding. Let baby finish the first side, then offer the second side.
    Switch nurse. Switch sides 3 or more times during each feeding, every time that baby falls asleep, switches to “comfort” sucking, or loses interest. Use each side at least twice per feeding. Use breast compression to keep baby feeding longer. For good instructions on how to do this, see Dr. Jack Newman’s Protocol to manage breastmilk intake. This can be particularly helpful for sleepy or distractible babies.
    Avoid pacifiers and bottles when possible. All of baby’s sucking needs should be met at the breast (see above). If a temporary supplement is medically required, it can be given with a nursing supplementer or by spoon, cup or dropper (see Alternative Feeding Methods).
    Give baby only breastmilk. Avoid all solids, water, and formula if baby is younger than six months, and consider decreasing solids if baby is older. If you are using more than a few ounces of formula per day, wean from the supplements gradually to “challenge” your breasts to produce more milk.
    Take care of mom. Rest. Sleep when baby sleeps. Relax. Drink liquids to thirst (don’t force liquids – drinking extra water does not increase supply), and eat a reasonably well-balanced diet.
    Consider pumping. Adding pumping sessions after or between nursing sessions can be very helpful – pumping is very important when baby is not nursing efficiently or frequently enough, and can speed things up in all situations. Your aim in pumping is to remove more milk from the breasts and/or to increase frequency of breast emptying. When pumping to increase milk supply, to ensure that the pump removes an optimum amount of milk from the breast, keep pumping for 2-5 minutes after the last drops of milk. However, adding even a short pumping session (increasing frequency but perhaps not removing milk thoroughly) is helpful.
    Consider a galactagogue. A substance (herb, prescription medication, etc.) that increases milk supply is called a galactagogue. See What is a galactagogue? Do I need one? for more information.

  • The only thing I can suggest is to keep your breasts warm with a heat pack. That tends to increase milk production.

  • My midwife and lactation consultant were a big help.
    For myself I found that expressing every 3 hours really helped (if baby was having a bottle)
    Drinking lots of water
    I did try boobie biscuits. But was prescribed domperidone to increase my supply. For myself this made a big difference

  • Every pregnancy, baby and breastfeeding experience is different. Some friends weren’t able to feed bub one but bub 2 with more assistance, they could (lactation consultant etc). I’d suggest eat a well balanced diet, take pregnancy and breastfeeding supplements (blackmores were recommended by my ob) and speak to your GP. There are plenty of places willing to take your money for this sort of stuff (teas, pills, snacks) so research wisely and all the best

  • I agree with contacting the Nursing Mums Association!

  • I had issues breastfeeding my daughter (I struggled for 9 months and ended up on Maxalon tablets to help the supply) and was told there would likely be no problem the second time around when I had my son. However due to having a C-section my breast milk took ages to come in, then when it finally did it seemed fine, but started drying up quickly. In the end I had to pump between feeds and take the tablets prescribed, it however did not work properly until I tried a special shake I received as a trial. Once I drank it every morning it gave me an overabundance of breast milk, it tastes pretty gross (they may have changed it by now though) but it works, I would get some if you are worried. It is called Little Healthy life pregnancy and breastfeeding nutrition shake. They have a list of where you can buy it on their website or you can purchase online https://littlehealthylife.com.au/pregnancy-and-breastfeeding-high-nutrition-protein-shake

  • I was unsuccessful breastfeeding my first and was really nervous with my second because i wanted to be able to do it right. When i was about 20 weeks pregnant i saw a lactation consultant who told me to express a little colostrum every night in the shower. Long story short i got a great supply and am still feeding my 10 month old at least 5 times a day and loving it 🙂
    I would suggest seeing a lactation consultant and discussing your concerns with her.

  • I had a horrible time with our first son thinking I didn\\\\\\\’t have enough milk. The main problem I had was my MIL was my only source of information and who didn\\\\\\\’t know how to help me. So the first thing you need is to find a support system that knows what they are doing! Second, Know that some babies will want to be fed every 2 hours round the clock. They are just hungry, it isn\\\\\\\’t because you don\\\\\\\’t have enough milk. They could be lazy nursers or just really love being next to you. Also, the first 6 days, then 6 weeks are the hardest, just tell yourself…….I think I can, I think I can , I KNOW I can, until you pass those markers and then YOU can! smile emoticon
    Also get a good nipple cream and use it after EVERY time you nurse for the first 2 weeks. Your nipples will thank you for it. Nursing is painful at first. I don\\\\\\\’t care how you latch on it will hurt until your body gets used to being sucked on. But like childbirth it is sooooooooo sooooo worth it!
    After failing miserably at breastfeeding with my first son I was able to BF our next 3 sons with great success! So don\\\\\\\’t be afraid! You got this girl!

  • I know you need to drink a lot more and I have heard stout is good for your milk too.

  • I don’t think you should stress. your body needs lots of rest and nutrients/fluids. hope all goes well for you xx

  • The Nursing Mums Association should be able to provide you this information.

  • Maxalon, yes it’s for nausea but i wanted to try and keep a milk supply as long as i could and my doctor said it can help.

  • In the recipe section there is a cookie recipe…. tyoe the following into the search bar…. This is the spelling used……
    “Anzac Lactaion Cookies”

    Good luck

  • Talk to your Maternal health nurse. And keep your fluids up

  • give the midwife a call they will be able to help

  • I would advise speaking to your Midwife who is a trained lactation consultant

  • yes breastfeeding au will give you advice- they are just a phone call away.

  • Expressing is a great way to build up your supply. The more often the better.

  • I found using fenugreek capsules and drinking At least a full glass of water for each breast feed Helped me increase my milk. The health nurse suggested it to me to try before trying other ways. But always check with your doctor/midwife before trying something new..

  • I found a few different things helped. Breastfeeding cookies (lactation cookies) were brilliant! Drinking lots of water also. And a prescription for Domperidone from the doctor.
    I also had a low supply in the first 6 weeks, so after every feed, I pumped and dumped the remaining milk once bubs was finished. It’s a lot about supply and demand

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