
I’ve almost paid off my phone with Telstra and am looking to change providers after doing so.
Any cost efficient recommendations that still give good service?

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  • We’ve just changed over to More and get a discount through CBA. Telstra was becoming unaffordable and looking to cut costs wherever we can with the increased cost of living

  • Aldi Mobile: They offer pretty affordable plans with good coverage. It’s a prepaid option, so you can keep track of your spending easily.

    Amaysim: Known for their no-frills approach, Amaysim has flexible plans and uses the Optus network, so you’ll get decent coverage.

    Boost Mobile: If you’re happy with Telstra’s coverage, Boost is a great alternative. They offer prepaid plans that can save you some money while still using the Telstra network.

  • We were recently looking at other options for my husband as he needs to travel for home visits to some rural areas. Telstra have the best coverage but oh boy do you pay for it. It was going to be triple the amount we currently pay. That’s a bit too much.

  • I am with Vodaphone and think they have a good choice of services. They are a well known brand with a pretty good reputation as well. My kids and hubby are also with Vodaphone and are all on different plans that suit their individual needs and we are all happy with them.

  • TPG have great deals all the time

  • I’ve been with Vodafone for 20 years + and they have always looked after me but the coverage is no where near as good as Telstra. So depending on your needs Telstra may be the best way to go. I’ve heard good things about amaisim I think it’s called but they are pre paid.

  • Lucky you to have the choice. Telstra is our only option as it has the biggest coverage

  • I’ve recently changed over to boost mobile to save money. I use wifi when I’m at home so I felt I was wasting a lot of money paying my Telstra bill. They go off the Telstra network and I’ve had no issue with coverage. Highly recommend

  • I’ve recently changed over to boost mobile to save money. I use wifi when I’m at home so I felt I was wasting a lot of money paying my Telstra bill. They go off the Telstra network and I’ve had no issue with coverage.

  • Telstra all the way! I had Vodafone for years and it always cut out when I was on the train to and from work but with Telstra, the signal is strong.
    We have optus for our home internet and it keeps cutting out so we’re looking to change providers to Telstra.
    You really get what you pay for.

  • Aldi mobile is a lifesaver to saving some money – plus uses telstra lines so pretty good reception

  • If I didn’t live in Tasmania, I would be using Optus for sure – they give great package deals for phone and internet, etc. They always seemed to be the most cost effective. Service is generally pretty good in most states, but here in Tasmania we have huge black spots, so Telstra has the best coverage for us.

  • We’ve found Amaysim to be pretty good.

  • Aldi is great – if you live in a city. Aldi uses most of the Telstra network, but not all of it.

  • Amaysim have seemed good so far.

  • Boost or Southern Phone are good

  • Aldi mobile is great value for money and runs on Telstra coverage. Your data also rolls over each month

  • I wouldn’t recommend Optus or Vodaphone. Optus plans aren’t as good value as some others, the customer service is very bad with very little stores you can visit in person now, online service is terrible so slow and they do not properly pay attention to what your saying. Vodafone reception ive had issues with, not being able to get any in areas I otherwise would with another service.. which is why I’m now back with Optus but don’t recommend them. Can’t wait for my plan contract to end.

  • I think Telstra has the best coverage, but in saying that depends if you are going to use 5G or 4G. Kogan didn’t really work for me, I found Aldi mobile a better option.

  • I found Belong good value for money.

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