
So, let’s do each other a favour… what’s the simplest, easiest wins you’ve had with entertaining the kids?

Mine is a toddler and atm, the easiest game he loves is mountains and tunnels. It involves mum laying down on the trampoline, putting my legs up on the post and he climbs over me, aka the mountain, and then goes under my legs, aka the tunnel. This works anywhere you can put your legs up!

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  • One of my easiest wins is “rescue missions”—I hide a few of my toddler’s favorite toys around the house and he has to go find and “rescue” them. Keeps him busy for ages and works indoors or out! Another go-to is a big cardboard box—seriously, a tunnel, a car, a spaceship, whatever he wants it to be. So easy and always a hit!

  • I love this game – what a simple, yet fun idea. Thank you for sharing. My boys favourite was making forts/hideouts with chairs and blankets.

  • We use Small Ideas membership and use up all of the free entries on there for play centres, pools etc. We also love the programs through local churches and councils

  • Mine have always just loved getting outdoors whether it was feeding the ducks at the pond going to the park for a play or having a picnic on the foreshore. I always found it helped them sleep better as well if we’ve been out in the fresh air too so it’s a win/ win.

  • Another idea is to go to the library and find books on fun and free activities and games. We have a big book of games and ideas that we were given as a gift and it is invaluable. Bookstores will also have a wealth of books for ideas and it can be an ongoing family resource.

  • Snack picnic time in the backyard with a sheet down, a few soft teddies and a some pillows from inside, its the simple things and they create beautiful memories ❤️

  • I found playing music statues a fun activity with my daughter and because I control the music I just wiggle my bum and she thinks it’s so much fun. They just want you to participate, you don’t have to do anything really physical it’s all about being present with them in that moment.

  • We have always found it is easy to make chores around the house fun. We turn getting chores done into a race and it is amazing how quickly chores get done. We make shopping fun by having a list of to find items. It is good to look at everything with a lens of how can this be made fun.

  • Helping you peg out the washing by getting them to pass you the pegs and then when you bring the washing inside get them to put the pegs back away

  • Fellow mountain/tunnel to a toddler here, it’s definitely a popular one for us! He also loves flip the tab books, or books in general. I try to keep one in the nappy bag when we are out and about but prepare myself to pick it up over and over again haha

  • Water pistols out in the garden lol. Send them out there to shower the snails and caterpillars etc that they have to search for. Keeps them occupied and waters the plants at the same time.

  • My kids at that age started to do jigsaw puzzles. Especially my son who was early up each morning, would lay out twelve jigsaw puzzles every morning before the clock of seven 🙂 We also loved to do obstacle courses in the house or outside in the garden. Besides reading books and making music, they very much loved sensory play as well. I alternated playing with them, with unstructured play where I let them play on them own for a while. We also walked daily to the park and did a lot of colouring and craft together.

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