
I’m after any tips that will get my daughter to eat her food. She will eat her teething rusks and biscuits and anything we put in her mesh dummie, but not her food. I will eat my breakfast biscuits and she eat one of those fine, she will eat mashed pumpkin but off my plate. We have tried almost everything. Anyone know any tips to get my daughter to eat her own food?

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  • Probably just a stage, I would put a bit more on my own plate and have her eating of mine 😉

  • Have you tried eating at a different time to her, so that she has no choice but to eat off her own plate?

  • Put her food on your plate

  • stages, not ages with kids. put a bit more on your plates and serve her off yours, then start to include her in putting food on plates, so she feels grown up. if she is a part of the overall meal deal, she will love to eat her plateful x

  • Reduce the in between meals snacks. And if she eats off your plate, what’s wrong with that? As long as she’s eating. It’s most likely a phase she’ll grow out of

  • Is it so bad that she eats off your plate. I know that Super Nanny would say that that is a breach of boundaries but at least she is eating decent food.

  • My question to you is, how old is your daughter? I admit that it’s hard work getting my toddler to try and eat new foods (and sometimes old favourites). And I have seen that she’s generally more keen to eat something if it’s off my plate! I see this as an opportunity to try her with new things and get her exposed to the food, how it looks, feels and tastes. Good luck!

  • I wouln’t worry. Because it is on your plate, she wants some to. Put the same on her plate and you start eating some of her plate too , this may encourage her to eat her own food. Start with putting food she likes on her plate. Good luck

  • Add extra food to your plate and let her eat it. Problem solved 🙂

  • if shes safely eating the same as you id leave her!
    i had this problem when bubs hit around 6 months and i just made sure it was soft enough or small enough for her to chew and eat without choking and she was fine!

  • My 10 month old start doing this, she especially wants what is on her elder sister’s plate. I just let her have some as long as it is appropriate for her.

  • I agree with most of the other posts here.. give her age appropriate cutlery and plates etc and food similar to you.

  • Let her go! It is stages not ages with kids, and I don’t know many older kids that still eat off their parents plates, do you?

  • Some great responses here already & I’ll agree with one of the posters here that said depending on your Childs age that you move towards giving them similar plates and cutlery as what you use. They love that feeling of inclusion 🙂

  • im not sure of the age of your child, but is there a chance of giving her, her food on a plate like yours? My daughter hated that she had a ‘kids’ plate and so at the age of 2 was eating off a smaller adults plate so she felt like a big girl.

  • I wouldn’t worry too much. Not sure how old your daughter is, but if younger than 12 months, most of her nutrition should be coming from her milk. It’s more important that she has first tastes of things so if she eats from your plate, great. Always offer her own food, but don’t stress if she doesn’t eat it. Kids pick up on our vibes very easily, especially around food. Try a much as you can to show her you’re not fussed if she eats it or not then hopefully she’ll feel comfortable to try it.

  • yeah i will just add, i would prepare the food appropriately for her age and let her have some. it will be a bit cheaper for you especially if you are buying the baby food jars.

  • I say let her do it for now. My son wouldn’t eat his OR mine :/

  • My little Mr does this too, so I generally hive him what I am having and just sit next to him with his bowl next to my plate and I swear he thinks his bowl is mine too! So he thinks he’s getting my food.and I just hand it to him as he requires it, otherwise he just throws it everywhere anyway!

  • We have a little table in my house and from the moment my son could walk we took him out of the high chair and sat him with his siblings at the small low sqaure table and he ate what we ate.The only difference was that his food was a lot finer chopped up than ours. When he was teething he loved to chew on a cob of corn. and mashed potatoes, baked potatoes etc. The only thing he didnt eat other than chew up and spit out was his red meats.. He loved chicken so we started having that a few times a week. We found as there were older kids in the family he wanted what they had to eat.

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