
Since my both parents have passed away my family have nothing to do with me don’t ring don’t message me and when Christmas comes I don’t even get a Merry Christmas from any of them and this is been gong on now for over 5 years now. I have sent them messages to say Happy Birthday Christmas etc but nothing.
So I now think its time to give up trying to get a reply from them after all its been 5 years and nothing.

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  • Wow, I can only imagine how painful this must be ! Your family of origin has been your foundation for love care and connection for many years and you have history together. And to see all of this fall away after the passing of your parents is a huge thing. It’s hard to advice you, but may be good to seek counseling from a professional to navigate this situation

  • Yes I have the same problem so I just stopped interacting with any of them as it was making me too stressed out and the anxiety was through the roof so since I have done this I feel in myself a sense of freedom and so so less stressed and not anxious

  • I think I would want to know why they are not contacting you, but if they choose to not be in your life there is not much you can do. I hope you can find peace with whatever happens and enjoy your life with those who love and support you.

  • I’d def not bother any more.

  • Yep. I also reached a point where I said I wasn’t going to be the only one who made an effort. Haven’t seen or heard from any of them in years now. Don’t miss them.

  • Do they use social media like Facebook , instagram etc ? that might be a more
    Casual way to keep in contact with each other and no pressure from both parties to commit as much. However hang in there and goodluck with whatever you choose at the end. Stay positive!

  • How have you felt not being close to your family? Did they bring drama ? Are you at peace ?
    List the pros and cons, sometimes we are better mentally without contact of some family. I really hope you find what you are looking for.

  • If you don’t feel like you want to get answers as to why they are doing thus face to face, maybe you could start a group chat and add them all in ask what’s going on. Or you could just let it go and live your life for you. They are missing out on being in your life.

  • I would be inclined to see each of them in person by knocking on their door and asking if there was a problem and working out why such a distance has happened between you. I know a lot of big families were held together by their parents. And once they passed the kids (gowned adults) chose to go their own way for many reasons. I have close friends who are with out their parents and we have formed such tight relationships they are a form of family to me. They will be there and make up where family might drift away.

  • It’s great that the parent association is organizing this! $50 per teacher sounds like a generous contribution, but it’s totally understandable if it feels like a bit much, especially if you don’t interact with all of them regularly. If you’re not comfortable with that amount, maybe you could contribute a bit less, like $30 or $40, depending on what feels fair for you. The important thing is the gesture, not the exact amount. You could also consider asking other parents if they feel the same, as sometimes pooling smaller amounts from everyone can still add up to a lovely gift for the teachers!

  • I really think you should stop sending messages to them its only making you sad and stressed out. Go no contact you need to be kind to yourself and your mental health comes first

  • That is so sad that your family is acting this way and can’t even acknowledge your messages. It is not hard to respond with a thank you same to you. I would be upset and frustrated over this and would want to give up and not make an effort either. I would recommend going out and finding yourself a wonderful group of friends who value you as friends can become family too, it is not all about blood.

  • I am sorry to hear this. It is so hurtful when people you love appear to disconnect from you. I would continue to reach out and try and make contact. Alternatively, if there is someone that you feel closer to maybe try to call and talk personally with them to see if there has been some misunderstanding or talk though how you are feeling.

  • I can understand this is discouraging. Personally I would probably just continue to do so, whether they respond on it or not. You’re doing the right thing and to send a message with birthday and Christmas is not that much work. However you can lower your expectations. You do your part and it’s up to them whetehr to respond

  • Maybe they are just slack and all treat each other the same way too. It’s sad but it happens. You could keep being the one that stays in touch this way and feel good about yourself or just let it go if it is upsetting you. Move on. They may come around at some later date and you can pick up where you left off.

  • I would try to speak to them face to face and get a straight out answer once and for all

  • I guess you could try phoning and straight out asking if there is an issue as it seem odd that they would ignore you without reason.
    If you feel that its not worth your time then for sure just leave it be and move on. Some times we are better to spend time with friends rather then uncaring people

  • I’m so sorry Hun. It’s so hard having one way relationships. I lost one parent to illness then had a complete breakdown of the other relationship and haven’t spoken in years. As time went by the pain eased but it’s always a sensitive spot. I really hope you have some close friends you can spend the holidays with, or reach out to community groups to foster some new friendships.

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