
Since having Ella 5 months ago, I noticed I has been quite a bit thinner than usual. My hair has also been shedding like a sled dog in summer. My partner says we have tumble-weaves in the house….

I have also noticed my hair gets so matted no matter how much I brush, wash or Care for it. I even use a detangling spray and got a special hairbrush so I (hopefully) lose anyone (literal) clumps of my hair. (my hair is curly and thick)
She does play with my hair a bit, but it gets knotted when I go for a drive, sleep nap or walk up the stairs.

Has this happened to you?
Does it go away?
Any tips?

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  • Yes I have noticed also my hair has a rather big bald spot in the front of my hair and I am now 62 years old I have seen my GP about this but she was not that concerned about it but it does make me feel self conscious as I find people stare at me

  • Have a chat to your doctor or maternity health nurse & ask is this baby related.
    It could be related to your hormones or a vitamin deficincy, but double check with a medical professional before making any assumptions.

  • It keeps happening until 6 months after you stop breast feeding

  • Are you breast feeding? Exactly the same thing happened to me with both of my children. There was hair everywhere. It was back to normal about 9 months after I stopped breast feeding the first time and is on its way again after 3 months this time around.

  • could be hormones or a deficiency. could mention it to your doctor,

  • Thanks for all the tips
    I\’m going to try everything
    Surely something has to work!

  • I had a lot of hairless at about 4 months. Nothing was stopping it from falling out but eventually it just stopped. I think it’s got something to do with hormones or something.

  • The same thing happened to me! I ended up buying Head & Shoulders, not because of dandruff but because it as zinc. Magnesium & zinc rich foods help too. Mine got better, bub is nearly 7 months now & it’s growing in nice & glossy but boy was I worried for a while there.

  • Maybe the vitamins for hair and nails will help.

  • yes make sure you are eating well and not trying to lose weight too quickly. As a hairdresser i recommend that you go for a hair cut and ask for a product to help reduce breakage. It will settle down soon

  • I lost some hair after having my daughter. My doctor told me to take some multivitamins and I solved the problem that way.

  • I never experienced it personally, however my sister in law did and she used sensitive shampoo from QV which assisted in lessening it until it finally went back to normal.

  • This is very normal after have a baby. it does go back to normal eventually.
    Use coconut oil to help moistureuse and protect your hair

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