
My one year old is disabled and has twelve specialists/therapists. My four year old is developmentally delayed and has about seven. We have two appointments a day (in the next town over) and are given a few hours of culmulative homework a day. Any advice on still being a Mum/wife around all of this?

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  • Aw I remember the time we had multiple therapy and hospital appointments a day and still sometimes do. But it does get easier in time. Early intervention is good, but on a certain point when the kids started school I reduced appointments as they simply tire too much and then it can have an adverse effect. I assume you have NDIS funding for your child with developmental delay ? Try to get a support worker and otherwise approach Carers Gateway for support !

  • I can only imagine how overwhelming this must be for you. Balancing the demands of being a mum and a wife amid numerous appointments and responsibilities is no easy feat. It’s crucial to prioritize self-care and ask for support when needed. Lean on your support system, delegate tasks, and remember that taking care of yourself enables you to care for your family more effectively. Sending you strength and support during these challenging times.

  • I feel for you. You need to rely on family and friends and find support out there. I didn’t find out that my daughter had cerebral palsy until she was 14 months old and I had another on the way. I know how hard it is to be a mother/wife around all this and give the children all that they need. When I took my daughter to hydrotherapy I had a volunteer from the hospital take my baby with her on rounds for the hour, also when we had physiotherapy. I am sure there is someone that can help with the homework and things around the house.

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