
My sister keeps signing me up for things like walks and runs and anything to do with mental health issues and I am getting so sick of it. How do I put a stop to this as I have to contact the companies and tell them that I did not sign up to these things which makes it look so bad on my behalf.

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  • Definitely have a word to her and tell her how frustrating it is and how it’s making you feel. Definitely wouldnt be nice had it been the other way around and you provided her number without her consent, so it really goes both ways. She should understand if you are honest

  • Why contact the companies? If you don’t respond, surely they’ll just drop it? You don’t have to spend time on this. I would, however, tell your sister that you will contact the police if she continues. This is illegal. Tell her in writing, and consider copying your parents in. It is a real nuisance.

  • It’s important to recognize that what she’s doing falls under identity theft. While the subscriptions she’s signing you up for might appear harmless, she is still violating the law by using your personal information without your consent. Even if her intentions are good, her actions are misguided. It’s best to address this issue directly with her, and doing so in writing is advisable, as it provides you with a record should you need it in the future.

  • Now this is not on I would go contact with her time to give yourself a break from her and this as if this happened to me I would be so angry and my anxiety levels would be through the roof especially when she is using your personal details to sign you up to things

  • That’s a really odd thing for someone to do and especially a sister, who I’m assuming knows you well. I would just explain to her that you have to go out of your way to cancel these things that she is setting up for you and you really don’t appreciate her doing this.

  • There must be a reason that your sister is doing this! Do try to find out why as it will put a lasting problem into your relationship with one another if it hasn’t already. Not all of us like to run or even walk a marathon and most of us haven’t got the time in the first place. Is she doing it to make herself get involved in these mental health fitness issues. I would be looking deeper into the why if it were me.

  • Your sister must be under the impression that you will enjoy these or is it the ones you join up and get free things like hats, tshirts etc .
    You need to have a coffee date with your sister and tell her you are not interested in doing any of these activities. Maybe you could do one together if she is that concerned.

  • I would want to find out why your sister is doing these things. A good heart to heart will hopefully clear up her actions.

  • I think the real question here is why? Is she concerned about your mental health? Or maybe she’s concerned about her own and this is her way of asking you to support her. Either way you need to sit down wirh your sister and find out where these actions ate coming from.

  • I can understand this is annoying to you.
    Like others suggested I would sit down with your sister and have an open and clear communication and ask her very clear not to sign you up for anything, that these are choices you make your self and by not respecting this she is crossing your boundaries.She may mean alright; I would do this conversation with atience and love

  • Respect, consent and boundaries are essential in all relationships; both with friends and family Clear communication is key and reinforcing that it is a never ever acceptable to be signed up for anything. No ones details should be used, particularly as permission has not been given to sign up for any events, programs, etc.

  • This is a matter of putting in form boundaries. She’s your sister so you don’t necessarily need to be overly nice about it!! But if you want to maintain friendliness, ask her to stop and explain why, then identify an event you would like to do and ask her to do it with you.

  • You simply have to tell her to stop! It’s not on and she most likely wouldn’t like it if you did this to her. Is she concerned about your mental health? Maybe invite her for a cuppa and sit down and talk about it. Tell her you’ll be changing your email if it doesn’t stop.

  • I agree with some of the comments below, have you spoken to her and asked her to stop? I would suggest taking her out for a coffee or something or even over a glass of wine and explaining how much it is affecting you and explaining that it is hurting you. Remember to use the I feel rather than attacking her as she may not take it in if you use the words “you need to …..”. Good luck

  • Talk to your sister and put some boundaries in place. That’s the only way to put a stop to this, (other than change your number and move house so she can’t find you, but I dare say that’s going to be far more effort than what a conversation might be)

  • Have you asked her to stop?
    If you have and she refuses you could perhaps change your email address and dont let her know or get even and start signing her up for things also.

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