
Creative flair would be great

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  • Do you make anything or have any translatable skills that you could use?

  • One of my friends sells make-up, another sells health products and another sees Amway as her sight business

  • I never know, choose something that you would like to do and others need

  • You need to find something you love and build on that, if you dont enjoy it, it will become a chore and it wont last.

  • I do Market Research. You can register with as many different companies as you wish, a Google search for Market Research will tell you all of the different businesses in your state. You register your profile with the business, and then they contact you to complete various Market Research activities. It could be anything from a group forum to filling out a survey on the computer, answering questions about a product that they give you to try out and use or a one-on-one interview. Payment is usually tax-free and in the form of cash or a gift voucher.

  • Find something you’re good at and enjoy doing. Something with minimal dry up costs would be good too. I’ve seen a few making hair scrunchies lately that seem to be doing ok

  • Well, I seem to have made a side business of selling all my old stuff. Ordinarily I would just donate it – but getting a few dollars for my stuff is keeping me entertained and giving me pocket money

  • I do surveys online, forums and research. I just did one recently where I had to talk on a video and got paid $120. You can also do mystery shopping, sell stuff on ebay, gumtree or facebook market place. Have a garage sale. Get crafty and sell on etsy. Look at your talents and promote them.

  • I would also love to start up a small business just dont know where to start its a hard one

  • Hi there, you should check out this article: https://www.tafecourses.com.au/resources/how-to-be-a-stay-at-home-mum-and-study-at-the-same-time/
    This article here has heaps of information about potential side gigs for mums, potential courses you can undertake and advice and resources on how to start your own business!

    You should definitely take a look at it!

    All the best

  • I love the idea of doing a big clean out and sell anything you no longer need and then put that money into making a business. Christmas time is a great time to start as everyone is looking for gifts. If you can sew maybe some cool reusable bags or as has been mentioned plants usually do well if you garden.

  • If you like gardening, maybe you can propogate plants and sell them. Terrariums are also popular at the moment and very easy to make.

  • Making small items such as bows, water bottle covers, oven mitts, even Christmas decorations that can be sold on FB or ebay.

  • I too like one of the other mums on here mentioned, do surveys. I find that can bring in the cash to help

  • If you can stitch start by making head bands or bows any thing which if not sold can be used by your kids, sell it on fb market lace and see how it goes.

  • I can do a general clean really quickly thanks to the practice of my 4 children, but my house wasnt enough! I now help my sister and another mum for some extra cash to get us by!
    If i wanted too make more than extra i reckon id do pretty well! People just dont have a lot of time on their hands so anything that makes life easier could probably do well!

  • Baking or any kind of art work is best

  • This is different for everybody, think about what you are good at or like doing, I like decluttering and selling things I don’t need that I am thinking about doing it for other people and helping them be organised. A friend of mine does nappy cakes, another one bakes cookies that people need for events, think about a service that is expensive but you don’t mind doing. Good luck!

  • Following for an update too x

  • A great question. I’m following the answers. I also do surveys for some extra Side vouchers to help the shopping

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