
How does one sign up to receive the newsletter?
I see it is something that one is meant to do, but this is something new to me and I have no idea of how to join in this. I would love to read the newsletters as they come out.
Hoping to hear how to do this soon. Thank you

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  • In addition to my comment below about contacting the very responsive and helpful MoM team; maybe enter a competition in the WIN section. When a competition is entered on this site; it states by entering the competition it means signing up for the newsletter. Maybe look in that section; it may help.

  • The email that comes from the team should be automatic when you sign up and it can be checked in a profile. The MoM team should be able to help; I have always found then to be very responsive and helpful whenever there is a question to be answered. Maybe message/email the MoM team. Good Luck!

  • I always thought this just happened automatically when you signed up. You know they’re the newsletters just highlighting new articles etc, right? If you enter a competition, you automatically give permission to get newsletters, I think. And there might be something in your profile. Like others, I joined so long ago I can’t remember!

  • I get emails weekly that started automatically when I signed up. You could make sure you don’t have anything going to your spam. It might also be going to the ‘promotions’ area of your email. If so, you can change it go to your main inbox. I like receiving them so I hope you find them

  • Before asking this question about the newsletter I made sure my profile tabs were up to date [no mention of Newsletters there that I could see] and then went through every which way to see how I could find out about receiving them. I have been a member for a very long time around 10 years or more and I would love to get a newsletter if this is a new thing to now have. I would love to sign up for it.

  • I dont get a Newsletter sent to me either and have been with them for years now

  • Hi, the newsletters should be sent to you automatically if you have completed your profile correctly when you signed up? I would be checking your profile tabs and making sure all information is completed so you don’t miss out on anything. It’s also where you can check on your reward points.

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