
How can you tell if you are legible for a prize?? Have been on it for years, great site but just not sure how it all works really?

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  • Agree that if you’re in the red part of the rewards bar (not the purple part), you are eligible for a prize that month. Understand that its a lucky dip prize distribution rather than the greater thr points, the greater the prize (in value).

  • Loved to see so many answers on this question. True enough, my cursor also moves soooo slow ..lol… anyways,..we all love MoM

  • Yes, have realised now that sometimes is jumps up heaps and other times it barely moves. Thanks all

  • It is hard isn’t it…. sometimes you don’t seem to move at all and other times it jumps. It really depends on what others are doing.

  • Yep, I love this site whether my bar moves or not too. It’s a great sight full of loads of great info, recipes, tips and more.

  • I still love this site regardless of how much the bar does/does not move. I cannot imagine a day without a check in with the MoM’s community.

  • Yeah, I sometimes think people post junk just to get points, which I avoid. i don’t think its in the spirit or fair, Anyway, that bar is only approximate. And it’s really influenced by what other people are doing, I assume, because mine moves very erratically.

  • Yes Mums that is the bar I am looking at and mine never moves. Mind you I do see people posting reviews on products which I think WT* who needs to read a review on Coca Cola (normal variety)? I think some of these need to be vetted by the Administrators.

  • May I just add that the bar that shows where you are is found by clicking on the rewards that is under your name ..in the middle of sign out at right and profile at left.
    The rewards section along the top of the site next to recipes and answers tells you the amount of points you receive for certain posts/comments.

    Hope all our answers help you and best of luck with your points. 🙂

  • To win prizes you need to aim to be in the red section on the rewards bar

  • Thanks for the info ladies.

  • On the rewards page, there’s a line, some of it is purple some of it is red. Then there’s a black line crossing this coloured line. If your black line is in the red section, you are on track to win a monthly rewards prize, as long as you’re still in the red section at the end of the month. Different activities on here score you different amounts of points, explained on the rewards page. The more you do, the more you score. There are also special offer so sonetimes where you ca n score extra points.
    To MoMs member below me, I find it hard to believe yoir not in the red section, I see you on here all the time.

  • If you take a look at the rewards section it does explain how the line works. There is also a video that explains the rewards which may be helpful. It depends on the activity by mums. I have hardly moved this month – no where near the top. There must be a lot of activity.

  • I’d like to know too because my line never moves and I contribute regularly.
    Maybe some Mothers have more time to contribute more regularly than me.

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