
All suggestions would be appreciated.

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  • We have had success with Bellamys and OptiGold.

  • S26Gold all the way for us. My husband and I were both on S26 as babies and all three of our babies have had it with no problems at all! I figure if it’s been around for 30+ years they must be doin something right!! Goodluck, I have heard some mums say that they need to try a few different brands to make sure it’s right from bub… But my advice is definately starting with the s26Gold.

  • I am surprised the hospital didn’t mention S26 , that was the first thing they told . Start off S26 and is best to talk to the childhood nurse if you are starting to make sure it is ok with your child .

  • NAN HA is great because it is so gentle on little tummys.

  • I love Nan Ha as it stopped my daughters reflux, its gentle and easy to digest

  • NAN HA is the best hands down, used it for all the kids and it never gives a problem with digestion and constipation. Well priced also. And doesn’t have the typical foul formula smell

  • I was told by the hospital dietician to buy the cheapest formula each time. And rotate brands to give the baby a range of tastes.

  • i used Karikare Gold for my daughter, as she had a really bad time with S26… once she was on the Gold she not only drunk a lot better she slept really really well too. It’s pretty much trial and error and what agrees with your baby.

  • With technology these days there’s not too much difference in formula as far a nutrition is concerned, but there are differences in how thick some are. I personally use SMA it isn’t too thick or too thin and it is the cheapest. I wouldn’t say any particular one is best and it won’t hurt bub to try a couple, there’s no harm to use different ones, and when using the different formula don’t mix formulas, I was told this by a midwife as I was under the impression I had to give one part of the new formula in the old one and gradually increase the amount of new formula.

    You’ll find what is best for your baby :) if bub seems unsatisfied with the thickness of the formula you can get thickener from the chemist, s26 AR is good for thick formula :)

  • I always used a Gold formula as that was what they recommended in hospital.

  • I used s26 and hienz and ended changing and sticking to the aldi one as it agreed with my baby better

  • I used formula S26 as it was recommended by all the staff at my hospital. Having said this, some babies prefer other ones. All formulas in Australia must be approved so they are all safe. AND DON”T FEEL BAD ABOUT USING FORMULA….Some of us have to, and some of us want to. We are not bad mothers! Stress free and happy healthy babies!

  • I believe formular s26 is a good formula,as my first born was on it,also three of my grandchildren have thrived on this formula and are strong,healthy to this day.breast is best but formula s26,is the next best.

  • I have always used s26 gold formula for all three of My kids. Ive tried other fórmulas but my kids never kept thrm down or wouldnt burp

  • I’ve found Nan Comfort to be the best for my son. I switched to this from NAN HA Gold and found that he doesn’t have half as much wind and isn’t constipated now.

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